KILL BIG or get stepped on by an Akrid

Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Format(s): XBOX 360 & PS3

Lost Planet 2 sequel to the highly acclaimed and best selling title Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions by Capcom sees you returning to E.D.N III ten years on from the end of the original.
Lost Planet 2
Since the end of Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions the planet has under gone some big changes, snow is out and jungle and deserts are in as well as several other different locations that bring some much needed landscape change from the previous title, in stead of playing thought the game as a single character like last time you now take control of several different factions of snow pirates and NEVEC soldiers that populate the planet, sadly thought there seems to have been a rather large lack in the expansions of enemy Akrid that you fight though out the game when compared to its predecessor how ever those that you do encounter are much larger then any previously seen, the games tag line KILL BIG seems very fitting indeed.
Lost Planet 2
All so making a welcome return are the games signature VS suits that the inhabitants of E.D.N III pilot to fight off the Akrid enemies and all so get around on , Capcom has taken special notice of fan request’s that asked for the ability to ride on the side of a team mates VS suit this time in order to travel around the map quicker as a group when playing online.
Lost Planet 2
Capcom have spent a lot of time working on the 4 player online campaign co-op mode that allows you to either play though the game with three friends or to find three random team mates, not to worry though if you don’t have any friend the computer will control three bots for you to play with although if you are doing this I would advise knocking down the difficulty level a bit as with most AI they are next to useless, in fact playing thought the game on a lower difficulty level first time around is not a bad idea at all as this game will have you almost snapping your controller in half at points due to Capcoms dedication to over delivering character movement, when you get knocked down you stay down as it seems to take an age for you stand back up only to inevitable be knocked down again by some sort of large Akrid sweeping attack that is all but unavoidable unless you are in a VS suit due to that character jumping around seemingly with pockets full of rocks.
Lost Planet 2
The games online multiplayer mode has been left relatively unchanged from the last game apart from the addition of a couple of extra new game mode‘s, Faction match mode standing out as some thing quite unique as it is not limited to a single game, rather the faction you join is fighting the same game type all over the world for a preset amount of days. Capcom have all so gone to great length to allow for full customisation of your online character this time around, this is done by earning Good Job awards thought out the campaign and online, GJ awards unlock new colours and clothes for online multiplayer use as well as full character skins that allow you to play as other well know Capcom characters including Frank West from Dead Rising and Albert Wesker from Resident Evil as well as XBOX 360 exclusive’s Marcus and Dom from EPIC’s Gears of War series.
Despite having every thing going for it that a sequel could want Lost Planet 2 can not help comeing undone at times, sadly due to Capcom adding more expositions then there are celebrity trash mag’s in to a single frame this does cause the game to slow down at times and the control layout is any thing but user friendly with the B button being used for almost every thing, and in trouping the flow of the game by adding in elaborate VS activation cut scenes that you have to watch when ever getting in to or out of one of the VS suits is just a pain the arse also they have seen fit to over look the one thing that everyone wanted and that was the ability to use your grapping hook whilst in the air either in a jumping or falling scenario.
+ Thomas

Verdict 8/10
In short - Lost Planet 2 takes the idea of online co-op play and builds a entire game around it with varying results, online competitive multiplayer is a good as ever and expands slightly on the original, if your not going to even attempt the campaign co-op I would knock this score down one or two as that’s where most of the enjoyment is to be had with friends.

6/1/2010 07:20:35 am

Iam guesing when you said playing co op you mostly ment me so i agree with your score as it is fair not to harsh on capcom. the online scoring system can seem quite wierd at times where one time i got a 5 killstreak and only a couple of deaths so hopfullyyou might know why? But in 45 minutes one night i was playing faction matches and i got my femme fatale person up 6 levels so as far as im concerend its a brilliant 3rd person shooter!


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