27th annual Golden Joystick Awards
The 27th annual Golden Joystick Awards were held today in London and with over 1.2 million votes, the GJA became the world's most popular gaming awards ceremony.

We’ve got the entire list of all the winners from all of the different categories, so just click on the ‘read more’ link to find out who won what

James Richards has set a new World Record at the 2009 Golden Joystick Awards in London. In a competition held at the awards ceremony, Richards set a record of 22 seconds for a speed run through the first level of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 whilst taking part in the ‘Lucozade Alert Plus Super Sonic Challenge’. Guinness World Records adjudicators were present and confirmed the record.
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Richards said:

“I’ve been training for weeks for this. Getting my mental preparation right has been just as important as honing my physical co-ordination and reactions. Lucozade Alert Plus has given me the energy boost I’ve needed to increase my focus, concentration and overall mental performance. I’m so happy to have broken the record - one that I hope will stand for some time to come!”

Slipping in a bit of advertising. What a sell-out… Oh! And congratulations.
It looks as if we can expect to see Dead Space 2 heading it’s way onto the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC next year, thanks to news agency Reuters.

They say that "Electronic Arts has a pair of horror offerings for gamers. The publisher recently shipped Dead Space: Extraction for Wii, which is a prequel to last fall's Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC hit. Dead Space 2 is in development for next year."

EA has yet to confirm that a new Dead Space game is in development, but we’d be surprised it wasn’t.
Dead Space
Looks like that Japanese newspaper was right, as Nintendo has officially announced the DSi XL (or DSi LL in Japan).

The upgraded version of the DSi target at a more ‘mature’ audience (old people, basically) who will find the new handheld easier to hold and use. Just take a look at the pictures, it ridiculously big.

Now, for the specs. The console measures
161 x 91.4 x 21.1mm and weights 314g, compared to the original DSi which measures in at 137 x 74.9 x 18.9mm and weighs 214g.

The XL' s battery can last from 4-5 hours (extensive use) to 13-17 hours (energy saving use), compared to 3-4 hours to 9-14 hours for the DSi, but the XL will take 30 minuets longer to charge up.

The screen for the XL measure 4.2 inches, compared to the DSi’s 3.25 inches. The XL will also come with an extra, larger, chunkier stylus to be used at home.
DSi compared to DSi XL
DSi compared to DSi XL
The DSi XL will be released in Japan on November 21st, will be priced at 20,000 Yen, will come in three colours (Dark Brown, Wine Red and Pure White) and it will have three pre-loaded DSiWare games: two Brain Age titles and a dictionary program.

Nintendo of Europe have confirmed that we’ll be seeing the monstrous sized handheld some time in Q1 2010.

"Nintendo today confirms that a new Nintendo DSi XL console is launching in Europe in the first quarter of 2010," said a Nintendo rep.

"The retail price of the Nintendo DSi XL is expected to be higher than that of the Nintendo DSi. Further details will be released soon."
Microsoft have, today, apologised for the complete and utter mess of the Sky Player launch, which saw the service being pulled from Xbox Live on the same day.

The company claim that there was too much ‘demand’ which caused the service to bugger up on everyone, but Microsoft have announced that they will be bringing out the Sky Player in ‘phases’ so that it will actually work second time round.
Sky Player on Xbox 360
The company released a statement which reads:

"Sky Player on Xbox 360 launched on Tuesday 27th October and was met with phenomenal demand, with many tens of thousands of customers attempting to sign-up within the first hour of launch.

"Unfortunately due to the unprecedented levels of simultaneous demand, we did not have the capacity to satisfy all service requests and therefore temporarily suspended all access to the service. The rollout will be implemented in phases to ensure that consumers experience both a smooth sign-up process and high-quality experience.

"We apologise to all customers that have not been able to experience Sky Player on Xbox 360, we assure them that this is being rectified and we thank them for their patience."
Expect Blu-Ray sales of District 9, in America, to sky-rocket when it’s released on December 29th thanks to the inclusion of a God of War III demo that come with it.

The demo will be the same one show at E3 ’09, which is also included in the God of War Collection. But don’t expect people to buy District 9, just for the GoW3 demo, and then trade the film in because the GoW3 demo is on the same Blu-Ray disc as the film.
God of War III demo with District 9
There still hasn’t been any news of a European demo, but SCEE have said that:

"We'll announce our plans for the GOW3 demo in due course."
Star Fox crew
Shigeru Miyamoto as admitted that the Star Fox series hasn’t been Nintendo’s most successful franchise, but he’s not ready to quit on it.

"I'm a big fan of the Star Fox games. Every time we make a Star Fox game I'm hoping people will enjoy it as much as I do," said Miyamoto.

"Of course the goal every time is to try and make it more and more fun but, at least in Japan, the people that purchase the Star Fox games has decreased over the years."

"We still try to make them more fun and hopefully people will see the appeal in those games."

We don’t understand why the Star Fox games end up sitting on store shelves either (with the exception of Lylat Wars) seeing as we’re big fans of the series ourselves, but we’re glad that the chaps at Nintendo haven’t forgotten about Fox McCloud and his crew. Now, when can we expect a game on the Wii?

The god of war collection a re-mastering of the original god of war and god of war 2 on the PS2 for the PS3 has gone gold and with it Sony have made available the list of trophies added to the titles, click read more to view the complete list.
god of war collection

EA and Double Fine have just announced the first wave of downloadable content (DLC) for the smash hit Brutal Legend

"I play Brutal Legend online every night," said Tim Schafer, President of Double Fine Productions. "And I need more maps! Circle of Tears is named after the crying of my vanquished foes on the battlefield, and Death's Fjord is obviously a tribute to my Nordic ancestors, and their love of fan geysers and... Well, actually I just thought the name was cool. See you online!"
Brutal Legend
No date has been given for the DLC yet but where sure it will see the light of day before years end.
Lead singer of The Who Roger Daltry has may have just let slip that Harmonix are working on a full rock band outing for The Who in a recent interview

"The game, yeah, yeah, they're [Harmonix] going to be doing a Who one next year,"

"There is one planned. (The idea) is fabulous. Anything that gets non-musical people interested in music is wonderful. In my opinion, music is our last true great freedom. They can burn our books, they can burn our paintings, but they can't stop us singing and making music."
The Who
Not that we don’t like The Who but a group like the rolling stones is surly higher up on the pecking order of its own dedicated music title game.