Although The Conduit didn’t fly off the shelves as some were expecting it to, developers High Voltage have announced that a sequel is in the works, exclusive for Wii.

Apparently, The Conduit 2 will be set in fictional world of Atlantis (No, we’re not joking. It’s really going to be set in Atlantis)
and will feature a mixture of old and new weapons. The game's single player campaign will also include a range of massive boss fights.
The Conduit
The multiplayer will finally feature local four-player matches, along with new game modes, character classes, upgradable/customisable costumes and a sprint button to make your character run faster, courtesy of Modern Warfare.

So this is, basically, what everyone wanted with the first game, except it has a shitty campaign set under the sea. We’re not in any hurry to get our hands on this one.
Tomonobu Itakagi
Former Team Ninja boss, Tomonobu Itagaki has revealed his new project is the biggest game of his career, in terms of size.

Speaking to about Valhalla's new project, which is expected to be revealed at E3, Itagaki said:

"All I can say is that Valhalla's current project is one of a scale on which I have never worked on before."

He added that the studio was only working on a single project:

"We're currently focusing our resources on making one game. Valhalla will compete in the field of mainstream, packaged games so it wouldn't be effective to thin our ranks by dividing our 50-man staff into different projects. I do plan on hiring even more skilled people, and although we've had job applications from many countries, we're still thinking about the composition of the team.”

"However, we'll probably start a new game near the end of the current project. In the long term, it doesn't make sense for a company to only make one game, and so we're also looking at preparations for the next few years."

We love reporting about new world records that have either been set or broken, but this one has been utterly shoruyken’d in the ass.

European SFIV champion, Ryan Hart from Hull defeated 169 opponents in a row for over four-and-a-half hours at the GameStation store in Hull‘s Prospect Centre, smashing the previous world record of just 61.

Hart was delighted with his impressive achievement, saying:

"At one point I was really unsure whether or not I would beat the record, but I just put my mind to the task and got on with it. It was a great result."
Street Fighter IV
Guinness World Record’s editor-in-chief, Craig Glenday, who was the official adjudicator of the record attempt said:

"It was like watching a machine in action! Ryan is a terminator.”

"One after the other, the challengers fell by the wayside as Ryan sat calmly, quietly knocking them off like a silent killer.”

"His quickest victory - a perfect finish - took just seven seconds against a bewildered Chun-Li. The average survival time was about 12 seconds. It was a massacre in Hull."

7 seconds! Damn, that’s impressive. Congratulation, Ryan from all of us here at VGS.
An image has recently cropped up on the internet which suggests that the Master Chief could be making his return in Halo: Reach.

The image was found when a Bungie representative posted the mysterious picture on Twitter, saying:

"Just got this mysterious image and word that something big is dropping this week?!"

Some people believe that the image has something to do with Halo: Reach, but other people assume that it’s connected to a possible Halo movie.
Master Chief?
We, on the other hand, are looking more into what was said, rather than what was shown. The rep said that “something big is dropping this week?!” Well, the only other thing that’s happening this week is April Fools, duuhhh!

Nice try, Bungie but we’re too smart for you. Next year, why not try photo-shopping Master Chief on a Super Smash Bros. Brawl image, then everyone would believe you.
Shigeru Miyamoto
Nintendo’s legendary developer, Shigeru Miyamoto has recently expressed his feeling towards violence in videogames.

In an interview with CVG, Miyamoto said that developers needed to beware not to "narrow down the potential of what games can do" (i.e. continue to make countless FPS games). When asked about his thoughts on violent games, he said:

"I think most importantly, from the viewpoint of the evolution of the video games, we have to be very careful about the very great potential video games have as a way for people to express themselves.”

"Sometimes, games designers tend to focus their attention on a limited particular area of their expression. That is simply narrowing down the potential of what video games can do.”

"I really hope each individual creator has a wider view so they can appreciate and try to expand the potential of video games."

However, Miyamoto still believes that nobody should stop designers from creating what they wanted to.

"When it comes to the question of how each individual game designer or developer should make their games, I don't think we should try to intervene in how they are trying to express themselves in whichever format."

Yes, we agree that some developers should try and make different games instead bringing out another FPS game, or realistic driving game; but could the same be said about Mario or Zelda titles? Let’s hear about your thoughts?

The director of Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, Shigeki Morimoto has explained why he decided to re-make the classic Game Boy Color games for the DS.

Game Freak decided to remake Gold and Silver just a year after Pokemon Platinum was released. Morimoto explained that the original Gold and Silver games were ten years ago when some gamers would have been too young to play them. He said:

"It has been ten years since Gold and Silver launched and we felt it was the best timing to create remakes since there are more people who have not played the original Game Boy titles.”

"The originals are loved by fans because we believe we added so much fun gameplay that we couldn't when we created Red and Green."
Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver
But that's not the end for Pokemon this year because the fifth generation of Pokemon adventures is scheduled to be released in Japan before the end of the year. Who knows what they’ll add next. Perhaps Game Freak could take advantage to the new 3DS?
Konami has confirmed that the UK release of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, exclusively on PSP, has been pushed back by almost a month to June 18th.

It was originally
back in December of last year that the game was pushed back to May 28th. Although, series creator Hideo Kojima wasn’t too happy with the decision and apologised for the delay when he said:

"I always preach to the staff, 'You must not have a delay after a release date has been announced. There is no greater crime as a game developer'."

Now that MGS: Peace Walker has been pushed back, again, we can only wonder Kojima he’ll react this time. Perhaps he’ll go all Grey Fox on Konami’s ass.
Solid Snake's Calander
The first 'proper' handheld instalment the MGS series (we’re not counting the crappy MGS: AC!D games) takes place in Costa Rica during the 1970’s; 10 years after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3 and in the run up to the rise of Outer Heaven. Only Metal Gear fanboys will have a clue what we're on about.
Metroid: Other M producer, Yoshio Sakamoto has described working with Team Ninja as “perfect.”

While Sakamoto has been used to working with Retro Studios on the Metroid Prime series, a new developer has come on board for Other M and Sakamoto is pleased with their work so far.

"The teamwork between Nintendo, Team Ninja and D-Rockets is perfect, and we're working to bring you an exciting Metroid and an attractive Samus," said Sakamoto.
Metroid: Other M
Team Ninja have given Samus a new look for Metroid: Other M which promises to show a more human side to the traditionally armoured Samus we’ve come to know. As Sakamoto said last month:

"This time we're strongly depicting the human side of Samus through such things as movies. She's a strong woman, but she also has a fragile side. We want to make a game whose charms can be felt from the story areas and these human touches as well. It's an action game, but it's capable of having a clear emotional side."

You just know that with Team Ninja working behind Metroid: Other M, this game is going to be a real ball-buster to complete. We can’t wait for it.
We know that Nintendo turn down the chance to take advantage of the Natal technology, but it’s recently come to light that Sony also rejected the Natal technology as well.
Project Natal
Speaking to the Engadget Show (via PlayStation Lifestyle), senior researcher at Sony Computer Entertainment America, Dr. Richard Marks explained why Sony chose the motion-sensing wand PlayStation Move.

"We tried a lot of different 3D cameras," he said. "I love the 3D camera technology; personally, I like the technology part of it.”

"We worked closely with our game teams at what it would enable, and it enabled making the things we already did with EyeToy more robust, but it didn't really enable as many new experiences as what we were hoping it would enable, so it made the things we were already able to do a little bit more robust - which is good - but it adds a lot of cost and it didn't enable some of the other experiences we wanted to achieve."

"Sometimes a tech demo doesn't translate into a product very well, for example,
[in the tech demo] we were tracking those coloured balls, but since there's no light in the ball or anything like that, the lighting in the room has to be good enough for the camera to see the colour reliably and that makes for a difficult product when you don't have a control over those variables.”

"And with the 3D camera it's a little bit similar that we found that there were some things we wanted to be able to do and sometimes it wouldn't work reliably for what we wanted to do."
Ninja Theory has recently said that they made no money from Heavenly Sword, one of the biggest PS3 exclusives released back when the console was launched.

Co-founder of Ninja Theory, Tameem Antoniades said:

"It's difficult. Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that's still not enough as an independent studio to break even."

"The publisher potentially breaks even at that point, but the developers don't."
Heavenly Sword
This is the reason why the developer chose to go multi-platform with its latest upcoming adventure game, Enslaved.

"It's just that when so many people have Xbox - I mean over half the market or more has Xbox 360s - why limit yourself to one platform?"

At least they’ve learnt from their mistakes. Just stick with multi-platform games in future.