Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation 3 thriller Heavy Rain is due to get an update to support the forthcoming PlayStation Move controller.

The inclusion of motion controls was confirmed to Belgian gaming magazine, Chief, although very little detail has been revealed.
Heavy Rain
The game's creator, David Cage told that there was a "good chance" of motion controls being introduced into the game.

"If you are talking about Motion Control, this is something we initially considered for Heavy Rain," said Cage. "The very first version of the game design was based on motion control, but it was not feasible at the time. But all the controls of the final version of Heavy Rain is still based on motion."

"I have a lot of interest in Sony's motion device and there is a good chance that we will announce something about it in the coming weeks."
Larry Hyrb (AKA Major Nelson)
Xbox Live Director Larry Hryb, also known as Major Nelson, saw his gamercard getting attacked by a hacker.

Nelson's gamercard was nabbed by a hacker known as 'LiGHTzz' who quickly changed the account info to... well, lots of rude words that Mr. Nelson wouldn't be caught saying. But we’re pretty sure that there was a lot of effing and blinding once he found out what happened.

Stephen Toulouse, Microsoft's Director of Policy and Enforcement for Xbox Live, revealed that they snatched back the gamercard shortly after it was hacked, yet there are no details on what happened or how it happened.

Still, it'll be interesting to read the comments on Major Nelson's. No doubt that we’ll be getting a message on Xbox Live reminding people about the security settings on the console.

Microsoft has confirmed that an upcoming system update will let you use USB memory sticks to store profiles and game information.

The news was announced by Major Nelson who went on to say:

"Once you take the system update on April 6th, you'll be able to connect your USB flash drives to your console and head over to the memory section to configure your new storage device."

"Once you do that, the system will conduct a one time performance and integrity check to confirm the drive is working properly. You will then be able to configure how much storage to use on the device, up to 16 GB. The remaining space on the flash drive will be accessible by your PC or Mac. USB Hard drives may work, but like flash memory, you'll only be able to use up to 16GB of space."
USB configuration
This is excellent news, mainly because USB flash drive are far cheaper and contain more memory space than official Xbox 360 memory cards.

In other 360 memory news, the 250Gb Hard Drive won’t be out in April, because it’s already out now! Priced at £79.99 the 250Gb will give you enough room for "13,000 pieces of gaming content, and more than 25,000 movies, TV episodes and music videos," according to Xbox Live.
Shigeru Miyamoto has said that he sees the invention of Microsoft's Project Natal and Sony's PS3 Move as a "great honour."

In an interview with UK magazine, CVG, Miyamoto revealed that Nintendo is not focused on competing with its rivals' motion devices; and when asked what his thoughts were on Natal and Move, Miyamoto replied:

"Nintendo should welcome the opportunity when or where something we have originally tried is intensified by somebody else, because that means that other people are trying to starting to show their appreciation for whatever endeavour we have made in the beginning.”

"The user experience we have created is going to be intensified by the advent of new machines from other companies. It's a new experience that we originated. So we really see it as a great honour."
Motion controllers
The Swiss-Army controller
Miyamoto also said that Nintendo’s main focus is coming up with brand new concepts. He said:

"What is very important for Nintendo is always thinking in terms of the appropriate types technology for us - unique and unprecedented entertainment to come up with technology that's something new. That's our mission.”

"It needs to be something very different, something unique. That's something we always look for. Of course, sometimes we need to intensify the forms we have already come up with, but that's not the first priority for us. Competing with other companies in that category is never our top priority."
Capcom has announced that the release date for Lost Planet 2 has been brought forward by a week.

The game, coming out on Xbox 360 and PS3, will now be in shops on May 11, a week earlier than originally announced. Happy days!
Lost Planet 2
And as if that wasn't good enough, a demo special will be available on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live by March 31 if you have a special code.

The demo codes will shortly be available from
 and will be given out on a first come, first served basis.

The code will also reward players with immediate access to the Machine Gun SP, which fires three round bursts, when they buy the full game.

Better get one of those codes then! Keep your eyes peeled.
Infinity Ward’s community boss, Robert Bowling has claimed that a backlash from hardcore gamers over Modern Warfare 2 hasn't hurt the title's popularity, because they’re still playing online.

When asked why the game has faced a slight backlash from 'serious' gamers Bowling said:

"I think when any property is number one at anything [it will face backlash]. Whether it's the number one movie at the Box Office or the number one most played game online, like Modern Warfare 2, you're going to be up against that instinct.”

"You know once it hits a certain level of popularity in the mainstream that's when people start to stand back. But that doesn't mean they stop playing. I mean the numbers show that these guys are still logging on every night."
But what does he have to say about all the people who are outraged at the price of The Stimulus Pack DLC, which launches worldwide on Xbox Live on Tuesday, March 30 for 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20).

"There's definitely no doubt in my mind that these maps packs and the five maps are definitely worth the investment. Anybody who buys them and then plays Modern Warfare 2 online is going to get their money's worth out of these maps.”

"I mean,
[we're offering] five new locations to Modern Warfare 2, three of those brand new to the series and each of them offers their own unique kind of gameplay so no matter what kind of play style you are you're going to get something out of these maps."

We’re sure that all of those ‘haters’ will be getting their slice of the DLC pie next week. But still, 1200 MS points? A bit too expensive, don’t you think?
In an interview with the UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine, Game Freak's Shigeki Morimoto has said that the Pokemon series will continue to remain familiar.

The core gameplay for the Pokemon RPG series has pretty much remained the same since Red and Blue were released way back in 1998, but the director of the latest games to hit the DS, Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver, appeared to rule out a total reinvention for the series in the future.

"I consider every possibility," said Morimoto. "I think the games need something familiar combined with new elements."
Pikachu and Pichu
The game's producer Junichi Masuda said they would only consider reinventing the series if they thought it needed it, saying:

"If we thought totally reinventing the series would be attractive enough, we would definitely try. But, if we want to simply try something new, then, I just add those ideas to a new series. I always try to create a game that anybody, including those who have never played before, can enjoy."

Everyone here at the VGS office really enjoys the Pokemon games, we just wish we could walk in eight directions instead of just four.

Check out our review of Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver here.
It’s hard to believe, but Sony’s PSP console is already five years old… well, in America.

Launched on March 24th 2005 in America and September 1st in the UK, the PSP has gone on to sell over 60 million units worldwide.
PSP 5th Birthday
Senior vice president of marketing, Peter Dille comment on the PSP anniversary, saying:

"Five years ago, PlayStation had yet to break into the portable market. Today, the PSP system is a well-established handheld platform that continuously redefines portable entertainment with quality that's unparalleled. As PSP celebrates its fifth anniversary, the best is yet to come."

What does he mean by “the best is yet to come?” Perhaps director of hardware marketing, John Koller can shed some light on things.

"As we move further into 2010, the innovation and technological prowess of the PSP system continues to be evident," said Koller. "We have a plethora of exciting new games, some of which have yet to be announced, coming later this year that will continue to deliver the same unparalleled gaming experiences that you know and love."

Wonder if they’ll follow their trend of copying other peoples ideas and announce a 3D PSP. It could happen.
It’s obvious to anyone that the Wii doesn’t have the same graphical power of the Xbox 360 or the PS3, and chances are that a HD Wii console will never happen. But maybe this is the next best thing.
Wii HDMI Upscaler
This (above) is the VD-W3 Wii HDMI Upscaler Processor from Vidigi Electronics, but what does it do? Well, the device plugs into the video-out port on your Wii and converts the Standard Definition signal into a High Definition one up to 1080p via HDMI.

Don't expect miracles, though. It won't turn Mario Kart Wii into Forza Motorsport 3 but it could certainly make Wii games look a bit sharper on HD TV’s. The unit costs $75 (about £50) although, unsurprisingly, it's currently sold out.
If you want to find out more about the specification of the Wii HDMI Upscaler then just click on the link here.
The guys behind World of Warcraft, Blizzard have just announced plans for their fifth BlizzCon gaming convention.

It's going to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim (obviously) California on October 22nd and 23rd.
CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment, Mike Morhaime, said:

"BlizzCon offers us a great opportunity to meet with our players and share our enthusiasm for gaming with one of the most passionate communities in the world."

As-per-usual you’ll be able to get your hands on some up-coming titles from Blizzard, as-well-as grab some sweet merchandise and laugh at people dressed up as elves. Roll on, October.