Infinity Ward’s community boss, Robert Bowling has claimed that a backlash from hardcore gamers over Modern Warfare 2 hasn't hurt the title's popularity, because they’re still playing online.

When asked why the game has faced a slight backlash from 'serious' gamers Bowling said:

"I think when any property is number one at anything [it will face backlash]. Whether it's the number one movie at the Box Office or the number one most played game online, like Modern Warfare 2, you're going to be up against that instinct.”

"You know once it hits a certain level of popularity in the mainstream that's when people start to stand back. But that doesn't mean they stop playing. I mean the numbers show that these guys are still logging on every night."
But what does he have to say about all the people who are outraged at the price of The Stimulus Pack DLC, which launches worldwide on Xbox Live on Tuesday, March 30 for 1200 Microsoft Points (£10.20).

"There's definitely no doubt in my mind that these maps packs and the five maps are definitely worth the investment. Anybody who buys them and then plays Modern Warfare 2 online is going to get their money's worth out of these maps.”

"I mean,
[we're offering] five new locations to Modern Warfare 2, three of those brand new to the series and each of them offers their own unique kind of gameplay so no matter what kind of play style you are you're going to get something out of these maps."

We’re sure that all of those ‘haters’ will be getting their slice of the DLC pie next week. But still, 1200 MS points? A bit too expensive, don’t you think?

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