Ninja Theory has recently said that they made no money from Heavenly Sword, one of the biggest PS3 exclusives released back when the console was launched.

Co-founder of Ninja Theory, Tameem Antoniades said:

"It's difficult. Heavenly Sword came out pretty early on the PS3, and we sold, I think, a million and a half copies, and that's still not enough as an independent studio to break even."

"The publisher potentially breaks even at that point, but the developers don't."
Heavenly Sword
This is the reason why the developer chose to go multi-platform with its latest upcoming adventure game, Enslaved.

"It's just that when so many people have Xbox - I mean over half the market or more has Xbox 360s - why limit yourself to one platform?"

At least they’ve learnt from their mistakes. Just stick with multi-platform games in future.

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