We know that Nintendo turn down the chance to take advantage of the Natal technology, but it’s recently come to light that Sony also rejected the Natal technology as well.
Project Natal
Speaking to the Engadget Show (via PlayStation Lifestyle), senior researcher at Sony Computer Entertainment America, Dr. Richard Marks explained why Sony chose the motion-sensing wand PlayStation Move.

"We tried a lot of different 3D cameras," he said. "I love the 3D camera technology; personally, I like the technology part of it.”

"We worked closely with our game teams at what it would enable, and it enabled making the things we already did with EyeToy more robust, but it didn't really enable as many new experiences as what we were hoping it would enable, so it made the things we were already able to do a little bit more robust - which is good - but it adds a lot of cost and it didn't enable some of the other experiences we wanted to achieve."

"Sometimes a tech demo doesn't translate into a product very well, for example,
[in the tech demo] we were tracking those coloured balls, but since there's no light in the ball or anything like that, the lighting in the room has to be good enough for the camera to see the colour reliably and that makes for a difficult product when you don't have a control over those variables.”

"And with the 3D camera it's a little bit similar that we found that there were some things we wanted to be able to do and sometimes it wouldn't work reliably for what we wanted to do."

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