According the EA, Mass Effect 2 has sold over two million units worldwide in less than a week.

The brilliant success has been achieved despite the sequel only being on sale in America since Tuesday and released in Europe just today, making it the first ‘blockbuster’ of 2010.
Mass Effect 2
"Mass Effect 2 has earned 40 perfect scores, amassed over 30 editor's choice awards and is donning the front cover of 20 magazines worldwide," said EA.

"On launch day, the term 'Mass Effect' was in the top 10 trending topics on Twitter and most searched on Google News. said, 'Mass Effect will go down as one of the most influential video game series of all-time on the Xbox 360 platform'."

Dr. Ray Muzyka, co-founder of BioWare, added:

"Mass Effect 2 is poised to be one of the biggest games of 2010. We could not be more proud of the game's universal acclaim and early commercial success."

Whether you’re a fan of the series of not, you’ve got to admit that it’s a really impressive achievement by Mass Effect 2.

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