343 industries, Microsoft self appointed studio to over see the Halo universe after Bungie departs it (and the games stop being any good just look at Halo Wars), has gone a recruitment frenzy over the past 3 days they have posted job listing for 17 different job roles, every thing from artists to programmers to producers .


“343 Industries is forging the future of Halo, expanding and building upon one of the most important and successful franchises in gaming history”

“Halo is a rich and exciting universe that encompasses AAA video games, New York Times best-selling novels, world-class animation and much, much more. Just you wait. 343 is set to revolutionize gaming and entertainment by putting the industry's fiercest talent in one room and diving for cover. Come be part of the awesome.”
To be honest we really could care less about 343 as for us Bungie will all ways be Halo and vicar versa, still cool to see what they come up with the Waypoint was a bit much but the Legends DVD was cool.

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