Here’s something we didn’t expect: Insomniac Games, famous for their PlayStation classics Ratchet & Clank and Resistance have announced that they will be joining forces with EA.

Both companies will be working together to make a new franchise for the Xbox 360 and PS3, however no details about the game have been released.
Insomniac Games
Ted Price, founder and CEO of Insomniac Games said:

"Working with EA Partners allows us to extend the reach of our games to a multiplatform audience while retaining ownership of the intellectual property."

"We are excited and eager to introduce Insomniac to a new group of gamers while reinforcing to our loyal fans what makes our games special."

David DeMartini, Senior Vice President and General Manager of EA also commented:

"This is an exciting day for all of us at EA Partners and for gamers everywhere."

"Insomniac is renowned for their commitment to quality and their ability to create unique, exciting worlds for gamers to explore. We look forward to help them bring their next blockbuster franchise to the millions of diehard Insomniac fans on PlayStation and the soon to be millions of diehard Insomniac fans on Xbox 360."
According to a report from, both ICO and Shadow of the Colossus will be making an HD comeback on the PS3.

Apparently both games will come bundled together as the ICO Collection; similar to the God of War collection which was released earlier this year.
The developer behind both classic PS2 games, Team Ico have yet to comment on the news being true or false; but claim that the two games will be released early in Q1 of 2011.
Just when we thought Sonic the Hedgehog was starting to become cool once again with the impending arrival of Sonic 4, Sega announced that new game in the series would be coming out. Oh dear…
Sonic Colors
Sonic Colors, exclusively on Wii and DS, will have both 3D and 2D gameplay which sees Sonic face off against his arch-nemesis Dr. Eggman yet again; but this time their fighting on Eggman’s ‘interstellar amusement park’ while the evil doctor tries to harness the power of an alien race known as the Wisps. Yeah, seriously.

Sega’s Senior Vice President of Marketing, Gary Knight said:

"The vibrant alien world of Sonic Colors enables players to race at top speed through incredible looking planets, each with their own unique visual style."

"In addition to the classic Sonic game play style, the colourful new Wisp power ups offer a fresh new way of exploring these worlds and helps make Sonic faster than ever before."
Sonic Colors
As much as we like Sonic, we can’t help thinking that this latest game is going to fall flat on it’s face like so many other Sonic games.
It’s been rumoured that Microsoft will be changing the name 'Project Natal' of it’s motion-sensing camera.

According to Edge-Online, the accessory's final name will be unveiled at E3. It’s believed that Microsoft finally settled on a brand name in April, following a six-month consultation period. 

A domestic trade source has also said that at least one UK retailer has been given the go-ahead from Microsoft to start creating Point Of Sale marketing material bearing the device's name.

So if it's not 'Project Natal', what could it be? We honestly have no idea what it could be, but perhaps this image below could give us some clues.
Xbox Experience?
Anyone like the sound of Xbox Experience?
After months of rumours floating around on the net Sony have finally confirmed the existence of Killzone 3, Sony have not revealed much about the new title yet apart for what we know below as well as three screen shot of the game

- bigger levels then those found in Killzone 2
- snow and space theme area
- 4 player co-op
- jet packs
- 3D gaming support
No sign of a release date yet other then 2011 but will keep you posted with anything we get.
20th Century Fox has announced that they are looking to get Daniel Benmayor to direct as sequel to the 2007 film Hitman, Benmayor has only recently broken into the minds of move patrons with his Spanish film “Paintball” prior to that he has built a rather high profile in the advert world for producing commercials for such high end companies as Mercedes, Samsung and Sony Playstation.

The first Hitman film all though rather tame by the standards set in the games did manage to gross over 100 million dollars worldwide.

The latest news form tinsel town is that Legendary Pictures has picked up the movie rights to the Mass Effect universe, and that talks are underway to get writer Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend / Thor) to pen the movie with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk (BioWare co-founders) serving as executive producers on the project.
Mass Effect
Avi Arad famed for bringing the Marvel universe to our screens in recent years is set to produce the picture as soon as he is done working on the Uncharted movie.
Head of Sony Australia Michael Ephraim has made comment on the highly rumoured PSP2 saying that any new device would have to go download only as a physical media would just be a step backwards.

“[PSPGo] was the first device of its kind where you did not have packaged goods or pre-recorded media. I think PSPGo will blaze the trail for future iterations of the handheld”

This backs up what David Perry of Shiny Entertainment tweeted back in February about the PSP2 dropping the UMD drive.

Microsoft have just unveiled a Crackdown based web cartoon to tie into the up coming sequel in order to delve a little deeper into what happened between the end of the last game and the start of the new one.

Written by Ed Campbell of Ruffian Games and animated by Alex Ronald:

“The events that lead into Crackdown 2 unfold to answer those important questions, why is Pacific City in turmoil? what happened to the Agency? who is the Cell? where did the Freaks come from? And, most importantly, who is Catalina Thorne?”
Crackdown 2
The show is set to run for five episodes the first of which can be seen here
Bungie have just announced the official release date for Halo Reach in both the UK and USA as September 14th (and yes that’s a Tuesday here in the UK not a Friday).
Bungie have all so confirmed that the Halo Reach Beta that finished last week saw more then 2.7 million people have a go.