EA Sports
EA Sports are set to introduce a new online pass system that in a nut shell means that if you pick up and cheap second hand EA Sports title (that has not had its online multiplayer mode shut down) you will have to fork out more money to play online, meaning in some cases you might as well have brought it new at full retail price.

Andrew Wilson, senior VP of worldwide development at EA Sports commented

It's quite simple - every game will come with a game-specific, one-time use registration code with each unit sold new at retail, with your Online Pass, you'll have access to multiplayer online play, group features like online dynasty and leagues, user created content, and bonus downloadable content for your game.
If the original access code has been redeemed and fans wish to get access to the online content (for example, if you pick up a used copy), you can access a free 7-day trial or additional Online Passes will be available for $10.

In order to continue to enhance the online experiences that are attracting nearly five million connected game sessions a day, again, we think it's fair to get paid for the services we provide and to reserve these online services for people who pay EA to access them. In return, we'll continue to invest in creating great games and offer industry-leading online services to extend the game experience to everyone. I don't think even the harshest cynic can argue with that and instead I think fans will see the value we're committing to deliver when they see all the services, features and bonus content that is extending the life of their products

Well Andrew Wilson we are arguing with it, at first DLC was a way of extending a games life span, now its simply away of screwing people over for more money by holding content back from a completed game and this is an even bigger slap in the face, the decision to charge for online gaming is down to the console manufacture and no one else you want to charge for it fine go make your own console, and what of the people that are not online can they return this online pass to you for a partial refund, no thought not, EA get a grip of your self your setting a dangerous precedence that could ruin online gaming if other companies follow suit.

Satoru Iwata
At a recent investors meeting CEO and Persistent of Nintendo Satoru Iwata spoken of a successor to the Wii, claiming that Nintendo all ways start planning for a new console as soon as the last system is complete.

“As soon as a new system is complete - from the very moment it is complete - we're thinking about the plan for the next game machine”

However, that doesn't mean we will be seeing a Wii 2 any time soon as Iwata told investors that there's still plenty of work to do on the current console.

We believe there's still more we can do with the Wii”

This is in complete contrast of course to what Nintendo's US boss Reggie Fils Aime has always said,

“that Nintendo will only ever start thinking seriously about a successor to the Wii when and if a software developer comes to them with an idea that can't be executed on the current console”

So what are we looking at here, have Nintendo indeed started work on a new console or was that just Iwata up selling his company to investors at a time when every one else is copying Nintendo’s ideas and taking them to the next level, tell us what you think in the comments below.

Usually a breaking news source regarding the video games industry will come form some where like the UK, America, Japan or Germany but this is the first time some thing so big has come from Saudi Arabia. Syed Bilal Tariq, Marketing Manager of Entertainment and Devices at Microsoft Saudi, has revealed on Saudi TV that Project Natal will see a world wide release date in October this year.

“Project Natal will be launched in Saudi Arabia and in the world... that is going to be somewhere in October”
Project Natal
He all so added that Microsoft will be announcing a more concrete date at E3 this June, this really does not come as to much as a surprise release date as a game titled Natal Yoga was recently seen to all so have an October released date.
Sony has officially unveiled LittleBIGPlanet 2 for PS3, and confirmed that the title will be backwards compatible with user-created levels from the first game.

Developed by UK studio Media Molecule, LittleBIGPlanet 2 features a revamped graphics engine offering revamped visuals, a fresh storyline, and added accessories and equipment for Sackboy.

The basic single-player plot focuses on the user's quest to save the LittleBIGPlanet itself. Sackboy can run, bounce, swing and even grapple-hook his way to success as he did before. However, some reports suggest that the biggest innovation is the ability to create full games spanning different genres including racing, puzzlers, shooters and more.
LittleBIGPlanet 2
The Sony press release for the game said:

“Sackboy's new set of simple but wonderfully powerful tools lets you create contraptions whose behaviour you can control, and populate new landscapes with Sackbots - automated characters who can help or hinder players.”

“You can make intelligent machines, vehicles and puzzles, create cinematic cutscenes, and reassign the game's controls to control any element of what you've made.”

Although the game won’t support the PlayStation Move on release, a DLC patch will be out later down the line. Co-founder of Media Molecule, Alex Evans said:

"With Move we're going to go the whole hog. You'll be able to get a Direct Control Move Seat and be able to wire up the Move however you like. We won't come in and dictate 'this is how Move works in LittleBigPlanet'.”

"Our mantra is no cheating. Anything we do, you have to do as a creator."

LittleBIGPlanet 2 has been given a release date of Winter 2010.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 characters
Details of the eagerly anticipated Marvel vs. Capcom 3 have emerged on the internet and reveals some interesting info.

Confirmed characters for the game currently include Ryu, The Hulk, Dante, Chris Redfield, Captain America, Felecia, Wolverine, Morrigan, Deadpool and Ironman.

Apparently Marvel vs. Capcom 3 will have a similar control scheme to Tatsunoko vs. Capcom so the game can be more accessible, but it will still retain advanced features like Hyper Combos, Snapbacks and assists.

On top of this, MvC3 will include simplified launch attacks performed with one button, known as the "Exchange Button". Opponents can counter launch attacks by guessing the correct exchange move to input at the same time as your opponent.

As far as characters go, Chris Redfield looks like he’ll use both his shotgun and shock stick from Resident Evil 5, while Deadpool will be able to use his teleporter, which will malfunction if over used, and a super move in which he beats his opponent with his own health bar.

Whenever a new Pokemon game is revealed so too are the silhouette’s of the new starter Pokemon, and Black & White is no exception.
New Starter Pokemon
The three silhouettes were shown on the weekly Japanese television show, Pokemon Sunday. As you’d expect, we have no idea who these creatures are, but we’re sure that one of them will be a grass type, one will be a water type and one will be a fire type.

Apparently, Coro Coro magazine will be officially revealing the new Pokemon sometime next week.
A franchise which is long overdue for a come back is the super cool Ape Escape series, and thankfully it will be coming back to our TV screens on PS3.

According to the official Ape Escape Twitter, Club Ape, the PS3 instalment is planned for release in Japan in "Q2 - Q4 2010". So we can expect it to hit our shelves next year.
Ape Escape
Not much is known about the game, but Sony has confirmed that it will make full use of the PlayStation Move.
At an investors briefing today Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announced a brand new first party Wii title, Wii party as the name suggests is a collection of short party games similar to the sort more commonly found in the Mario Party series.
Wii Play
Teiban Party
Playable by one to four players. Includes "teiban," or "standard," games like Bingo, Roulette, Mii-jan, Overseas Trip Game and Sugoroku (dice).

Pair Party
Recommended for two players. Includes Compatibility Check, Balance Ship, and Mii Awase (Mii Alignment).

Living Party
Playable by more than two people. Iwata said that this area would feature new play types made possible by the Wiimote.
Iwata all so made comment to the fact that over 160 million Miis have been created by users around the world calling them the new Mario.
Shigeru Miyamoto
In a recent interview Shigeru Miyamoto has spoken about how Nintendo have and still are looking into the possibility of charging a small fee to play on line using it’s console compared to now where online gaming is free through the Nintendo WiFi connection service.

“Do we need to demand customers pay monthly fees to enjoy online activities? Or give an online subscription that is free of charge, but then offer something extra for people that pay, so that they get some extra value?”

“To be honest, I think it's rather unfair whenever I hear such comments - that Nintendo isn't proactive when it comes to its online strategy”

“The fact of the matter is that we always want all Wii consoles to be connected online, all the time, so Nintendo has never been less than proactive in that kind of endeavour”

“It is true, though, that Nintendo hasn't been very proactive in developing such online activities as an MMOG”

“But when it comes to our endeavours that try to take advantage of internet technology, where we can provide our customers with more fun and entertainment, then I think we can say we have been very, very proactive and well-received. And that attitude won't be changed at all in the future”

To be honest with you we feel as though a paid subscription service would aid the Wii out no end especially if it meant that we would be able to download some extra fighters for Brawl or tracks and karts for Mario Kart.

Activision has confirmed that Modern Warfare 2 will receive a second download pack in late 2010.

Thomas Tippl from Activision has said recently that Treyarch's new Call of Duty outing, Call of Duty: Black Ops (out later this year), will be joined by a second slice of DLC pie for Modern Warfare 2. Unfortunately he gave no more information on the DLC pack other than that it is still being developed by Infinity Ward despite the recent run of employees leaving the studio.
Modern Warfare 2