We know how much Capcom like collaborating with other companies, just look at Marvel vs. Capcom and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom among others. But for us here at VGS, this is perhaps the coolest piece of news that we’ve heard in a long time.

Apparently Mega Man creator, Kenji Inafune has suggested that both Capcom and Bungie could work on a title together in the future whilst on was visiting the Bungie studio.

During his visit, Inafune said:

"Bungie is an amazing studio that has made incredible games."

"I was always curious about how they made their games in hopes of being up to add some of the flavour into Capcom games."

"Also, I wanted to come down to Bungie in order to see just how well our philosophies on game design matched up. If things clicked, I know it would be interesting to collaborate together on a title in the future."

Capcom teaming up with Bungie? That would be so freakin’ awesome. Either that or something like ‘Master Chief & Mega Man at the Olympic Games’. We hope that the latter doesn’t happen.
Master Chief and Mega Man
As if Activision didn’t already have a crap load of money, they’re now trying to expand their horizons by making many of their products into independent consoles. Very much like a plug-in-and-play game.

Bobby Kotick, Activision’s CEO, revealed his interestes of independent consoles whilst at the
Deutsche Bank Securities Technology Conference in San Francisco. He was delivering a speech about the future outlook and potential growth of the games industry, when he said:

"You should expect to see many of our products to be playable on the television independent of a console."

"I think what the untethered Guitar Hero does is it maybe equals the playing field a little bit more and gives you leverage with first parties on downloadable content and the business model."

That bastard won’t stop until he’s taken every single penny from every man, woman and child. Please, if you have any common sense, you’ll stay away from these products. Let’s just hope that they never see the light of day.
Reports from America suggest that Nintendo could be following in the footsteps of Microsoft and Sony with rumours of a price cut for the Wii expected to be unveiled sometime in October, according to supposed early retail listings.

The Wii has remained at the same price of £179.99 ($250 in America) since it launched back in 2006. With the announcement of the Xbox 360 Elite dropping down to £199.99 and the PS3 Slim at £249.99, Nintendo really should think about a long-overdue price cut.
Nintendo Wii
Time for a price cut? We think so
When asked about the suspected price drop, Nintendo issued a statement, saying:

"Nintendo does not respond to rumours and speculation."

There hasn’t been any word of a price drop in the UK, but if Nintendo are going to announce a drop, then it will be at the Kyoto Cross Media Experience on September 26th.
Bethesda has sued Interplay, over several misuses over the Fallout franchise.

Bethesda has filed a complaint in the US District Court of Maryland calling for a halt on Interplay's production and distribution of the Fallout Trilogy (Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics).

Interplay is still allowed to continue selling pre-existing Fallout games, but Bethesda says that Interplay consistently failed to seek approval for its packaging, advertising and promotional images, which it is required to do as part of an agreement signed in 2007.

The plaintiff argues that this lack of approval has confused consumers, thinking that they are buying Fallout 3 instead of the original trilogy. In addition, Bethesda claims that licensing the original Fallout titles to digital distribution, such as Steam, is a further breach of the contract.
A lot of people think that the Pac-Man world record is based on how many points you can rack up before dying. Well, actually the highest possible score is 3,333,360. Once you achieve that score then the games automatically ends (otherwise known as the ‘kill screen’).

The world record is actually based on how quickly a person can obtain the highest score, and video game record keepers, Twin Galaxies, revealed that it took the new world record holder, David Race, a mere 3 hours, 41 minuets and 22 seconds to do it. Race smashed the previous record, held by Chris Ayra, by 42 seconds.

According to Twin Galaxies, Race is only the sixth person to have ever earned the highest score which is achieved by
eating every dot, bonus prize and blue ghost in the game's 256 levels. After obtaining the score, a glitch in the game code places the player into an impossible-to-complete stage. The first person to have done this was Billy Mitchell, who currently holds the Donkey Kong world record.

Congratulations, David Race, from all us at VGS.
Wacka, wacka, wacka
A bit of news for you music lovers, Sumthing Else Music Works had confirmed that they will release a 2-disc soundtrack for Halo 3: ODST on September 22nd via iTunes and on CD.

Composer, Marty O’Donnell said:

"I'm happy to be able to share all new compositions and recordings created for Halo 3: ODST."

"The music reflects the new mood, new heroes, and new story of the game. I worked with the Northwest Sinfonia for the orchestral recordings and also added some nice alto sax solos and some new guitar solos. The piano sneaks back in again a few times too, but I can't seem to help that."

Something for you to listen to whilst playing Firefight mode, perhaps?
Microsoft and developer Turn 10 have announced that the latest addition in the hugely popular racing-sim series, Forza Motorsport 3, has officially gone gold, which means that the game no-longer has any bugs and is ready to be published.

Microsoft also announced that there will be a demo of the upcoming title on September 24th and will feature not one, not two but five playable cars to choose form, and they’re not shitty cars either.

“The new demo lets you get behind the wheel of five of the world's most amazing cars on the full circuit of the game's Camino Viejo track. The demo includes five playable cars:

-   2007 Porsche #80 Flying Lizard 911 GT3-RSR
-   2010 Audi R8 5.2 FSI Quattro
-   2009 Ferrari California
-   2008 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X GSR
-   2009 Mini John Cooper Works

You will be able to drive all of the cars in the demo in full cock-pit view as well as experience damage, rollover and try out the game's new rewind feature as you take turns on a beautiful Spanish mountain course inspired by the Montserrat region just outside of Barcelona, Spain. When logged into Xbox Live, the demo will also support official leaderboards for lap times, giving you a further taste of what players will experience in Forza Motorsport 3.”
After yesterdays news about Courtney Love planning to sue Activision over the right to use Kurt Cobain’s likeness in the new Guitar Hero game, The company has revealed, today, that she actually did sign an agreement for Activision to put Cobain in Guitar Hero 5.

Activision released a statement, saying:

"Guitar Hero secured the necessary licensing rights from the Cobain estate in a written agreement signed by Courtney Love to use Kurt Cobain's likeness as a fully playable character in Guitar Hero 5."

Wow! She must have been so embarrassed when she heard that little piece of information. Perhaps she was wasted when she posted that rant on Twitter. Mind you, we don’t really care about Courtney Love. She’s a waste-of-space, as far as were concerned.
Zeno Colaco, from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, has today suggested that some of the more popular PSP Minis could be released onto UMD format or even on the PS3.

PSP Minis are small downloadable games that are limited to a size of 100Mb. They are a platform for indie developers to release games without having to spend vast amounts of money on publishing costs (similar to Xbox Live Arcade or WiiWare games). But Colaco says that the best games could make their way to the retail market via UMDs (presumably with Sony publishing them).

“The most successful Minis titles will probably transition to UMD.”

"I think that a package of multiple Minis games on a single UMD is a real possibility at a later stage, where even a studio or publisher will put a collection of their own games on a single disc. We'd be open to that."

As for the Minis making their way to the PS3, Colaco said:

"These games won't need to necessarily be built for the home console, and I think these games will find their true life and identity in those micro-bursts of play. But I do think there's a possibility that Minis could find themselves on other consoles down the line."

PSP Minis will be avalible to download from the PlayStation Network Store on October 1st.
As you may remember, we reported the news that the late Nirvana front man, Kurt Cobain, was going to feature in Guitar Hero 5. When we heard the news, at VGS, we thought that Courtney Love agreed to let Activision to use Cobain’s likeness in exchange for a big bag with a dollar sign on it. Well it looks like we were wrong. She’s actually quite pissed about the whole thing.

Reports suggest that Courtney Love, former band member Dave Grohl and Universal all signed a deal with Activision to use Cobain’s likeness in the game. But Love spoke out about her disgust of Cobain’s character on Twitter, which spanned 70 posts, saying:


Some of the post mention that she will “sue the shit out of Activision“, and that when she saw a picture of Cobain, appearing in the game, on the nightly news she “had to vomit”. But she later goes on to say:

"i was forced with literally a GUN to sell RIGHTS ask KARSH and MESTEL why teh fuck activision has a fucking moving avatar."

Activison have declined to make any comments, about the accusations from Love, by saying “I’m afraid we can’t comment.”