As of today (the 21st of December 2009)VGS will be taking a short break during the holiday season, we will return on the 4th of January 2010 with all the daily news, reviews and features fresh from the gaming world, until then have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the team here at VGS.
If you just can not wait to get you dirty little RPG hands on Final Fantasy XIV you in luck as Square-Enix is holding an online open BETA but you better here spaces are limited sign up here at there offiacal website.
The Guardian newspaper has named valve’s Half-Life 2 as the game of the decade via a reader poll, the article goes on to parse the game for being every thing a modern mainstream game should be and for fully immersing the player in the virtual world.

“Half-Life 2 is the game of the decade, not just because it’s good, but because it encapsulates so much of what mainstream gaming has been trying to do for the last ten years; the aspiration to create believable, physically accurate worlds, then to make us a part of them.”

Not really much of a surprise here, as you remember earlier in the month we confirmed that Megaman 10 would be coming to the Nintendo Wii some time next year, well Famitsu magazine in Japan has confirmed that Meagman 10 will indeed be seeing a release on both the XBOX 360 and PS3 around the same time, although sadly nit release date as of yet but we will keep you posted and let you know as soon as we get one.
HMV and GAME have reduced the price of the XBOX 360 Arcade by £50.00 making it the cheapest home console on the high street this Christmas and £109.99 (down form £159.99 if your crap at maths), this is only going to be a Christmas price cut to take advantage of what is said to be the most in-demand console in the UK this Christmas so get it whilst the going is good, hell even if you already have a 360 at this price it might be worth picking up a spare for if sorry when you 360 goes RROD.
Sega has confirmed that Aliens vs. Predator is back on for a release in the land down under albeit with a 15+ rating but with all its contents intact unlike Left 4 Dead 2, Darren Macbeth from Sega Australia commented

“It is with great pleasure that we announce the success of our appeal. We are particularly proud that the game will be released in its original entirety, with no content altered or removed whatsoever."
Sony have made the self-aggrandizing statement that both the Nintendo and Microsoft’s motion control efforts will struggle to compete with Sony’s.
Head of PlayStation Marketing, John Koller has said that its forte will be in family sports and shooting games and central to the success of its motion project

"In terms of the best types of games, I'd say that right now we're looking at a real wide variety of genres that can utilise the technology."

"I think the areas that are going to be really critical to our success will be family games, as well as shooter and sports games. Those are going to be the areas that will really define success because they're areas that, quite honestly, I think Project Natal and the Wii are going to have trouble matching from a differentiation standpoint."

There big words coming from a company that as of yet have brought nothing of there own to the table this generation and have instead stole ideas from everyone else, only time will tell if Sony can live up to there own hype.
Infinity Ward's Rob Bowling has Tweeted that PC Modern Warfare 2 players may get to dabble with the game in the near future.

"there may be some mod tool news coming in the future"

Bowling also Tweeted that the team was preparing a status report to see how the game's been doing, and also no doubt access any bugs and glitches that have surfaced

"preparing an in depth #MW2 Status Report for players to stay aware of what we're addressing and how it's progressing".

Modern Warfare 2 + PC Modding community = hells yeah
Square Enix has shipped 1 million copies of Final Fantasy XIII to stores across Japan in preparation for the game's PS3-exclusive launch over there this Thursday.

According to reports, the publisher plans to ship out a further 150,000 units on the day of release, and 150,000 more next week, presumably to keep supplies topped up for the Christmas season.

This compares rather unimpressively to the 2 million units shipped for FFXII in 2006, although the PS2 was far further along in its lifecycle and had far bigger user base at the time.
Final Fantasy XIII
In other FFXIII news, some of the games PS3 Trophies have been leaked. Here is the list so far:

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
It looks like the rumours about Banjo and Kazooie being in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing is true after another box art image was found on Sega’s website.

The news was leaked a few weeks ago when concept box art had been found which featured the duo on the back of the box. Sega claimed that the rumours we not true and that they had never seen the concept art before, but they were clearly lying.

So Banjo and Kazooie have been confirmed as special guest characters, but will be seeing a similar thing on the Wii and PS3? Sega hasn’t mentioned anything about console specific characters, but if this is anything to go by, then could we be seeing Mario or Sackboy racing against Sonic and chums? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.