Lara Croft
Crystal Dynamics is looking for a multiplayer-focused senior designer who's "able to effectively create and lead the multiplayer vision and design effort."

While nothing's been official announced yet by Eidos or Crystal Dynamics, speculation is mounting that this could have something to do with the re-imagining of the Tomb Raider franchise.

According to Crystal Dynamics’ job advert the position requires an "advanced knowledge of current multiplayer design (systems, ability and technical interface), ability to design multiplayer maps from written map designs, building 3D rough drafts, participate extensively in playtesting sessions, iterating maps based on feedback and making necessary improvements to those maps."

But could a multiplayer Tomb Raider game work? Well, we don’t think so but we could be wrong, just look at New Super Mario Bros. Wii or Zelda: Four Swords Adventure as examples of single player games turned multiplayer.

Wow! Who didn’t see this one coming? Aliens vs. Predator has been banned in Australia due to its high-impact violence. Shock horror!

Sega of Australia released a statement saying:

"Sega Australia can today confirm that the initial submission of Aliens vs. Predator has been refused classification by the Classification Operations Board of Australia. We will continue to investigate all options available to us, including the possibility of appeal."

The classification board summarised their review, saying (you may want to sit down for this):

"The game contains first-person perspective, close-up depictions of human characters being subjected to various types of violence, including explicit decapitation and dismemberment as well as locational damage such as stabbing through the chest, mouth, throat, or eyes."

"Characters can be stabbed with a Predator's wrist blade or an Alien's tail in depictions reminiscent of impalement. The Predator collects 'trophies' by explicitly ripping off human heads, their spinal columns dangling from severed necks. Heads can be twisted completely around in order to break a character's neck. Eyes can be stabbed through or gouged, leaving empty, bloodied eye sockets.”

"It is noted that a player is able to combine manoeuvres together in quick succession, which further increases impact; for example, a Predator can stab a character through both eyes with its wrist blade and rip off their head, with spinal column still attached. Extensive post-mortem damage, including decapitation and dismemberment, is also possible."

Those guy on that classification board really take their job seriously if they have the time to decapitate and dismember a body after they’ve killed it. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s got to do it.
CEO of Rebellion, Jason Kingsley has released a statement about the ban, saying:

"Rebellion is disappointed that its upcoming title Aliens vs. Predator has been banned in Australia. However, as we understand the law in that country the authorities had no choice as we agree strongly that our game is not suitable for game players who are not adults.

"The content of AvP is based on some of the most innovative and iconic horror movies, and as such we wanted to create a title that was true to the source material. It is for adults, and it is bloody and frightening, that was our intent. We will not be releasing a sanitized or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices."

Good for you, Mr. Kingsley and Rebellion. Don’t let ‘The Man’ stop you from what you want to do.
A work-in-progress box art for Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing has emerged on the internet showing that Rare’s Banjo and Kazooie could be making a guest appearance.

The picture was found on designer Chris Lewis’ personal web site, which has since removed the image.
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
You may remember that earlier in the year an internal Sega document was leaked on the internet which outlined plans for “characters from Rare or Fable universes” could be used in future DLC. Dose that mean that the box art is legit?

Sumo Digital developer, Steve Lycett says that he or the company have never seen the concept box art.

"Banjo in a SEGA character racing game? Really?"

"Given we've not seen any box art, I'd not hold too much stock in that,"
he continued. "Where, for example, is the Sumo logo?"

Wait! If you’ve never seen the box art then how do you know that the Sumo Digital logo isn’t on there? Hmm, we think someone’s telling porkies. Still, we’ll file this under ‘rumour’ for now.
A Taiwanese gamers has become the first person to ‘finished’ World of Warcraft.
World of Warcraft player
The player, known online as ‘Little Gray’ is the first person to successfully completed all of the games 986 achievements. He has also killed 390,895 creatures, accumulated 7,255,538,878 points of damage, completed 5,906 quests (that's 14.62 quests per day, apparently), raided 405 dungeons and hugged 11 players. He must have no-life.

However, the developers behind World of Warcraft, Blizzard have said that the player has technically missed one of the most illusive event achievements in the game called “BB King” but he's managed to dodge it via a glitch awarding one extra, false achievement point.

If he hasn’t got the last achievement legitimately, then he hasn’t completed the game, if you ask us.

Yesterday marked the 15th anniversary of the Sony PlayStation in Japan. Makes you feel old, doesn’t it?

December 3rd, 1994 was the day that Sony’s grey box was launched in Japan and we, like many people, remember thinking that it wouldn’t stand a chance against Sega and Nintendo’s next home consoles. After all, Sony made TV’s and Stereos, what could they possibly of known about video games. How wrong we were.
PlayStation 15 years old
With massively popular titles such as Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII, Gran Turismo, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil and Grand Theft Auto the PlayStation was aimed at an older audience, but the kids got great games such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon and Ape Escape to play on Sony’s console that dominated the N64 and Saturn.

But everything that the PSX did, the PS2 did better. With better graphics, sound, a huge library of title to choose from and sequels of all the classic PlayStation games, not to mention a DVD player, the PlayStation 2 quickly became the worlds bets selling console ever.

Even though times for the PlayStation brand aren’t exactly great Sony aren’t ready to give up yet and they’ll surely keep on going for many years to come. Perhaps it was a good idea for Nintendo to screw Sony over after all.
Britain is home to about a quarter of the 100 most successful video game studios worldwide however with the growth of competition abroad Britain’s position may be in jeopardy. Chief Executive of The Games Industry Trade Association (Tiga) Richard Wilson commented

"Up until 2006 the UK was continuously the third largest developer of video games in the world. We lost that position in 2007, and this year we're likely to slip down another place to fifth in the world league table."

Although 2008 saw a 20% rise in video game sales worldwide 15% of British games studios went under and saw a further 4% reduction in employment

Richard Wilson
"We believe that's a direct consequence of so many of our overseas competitors having tax breaks that put them at an advantage ahead of us."

This years Digital Britain report has taken this very seriously and the subject of tax breaks for the gaming industry has been covered,. Tiga are expecting a response to a document submitted to the creative industries minister Sion Simon, which was sent on August the 28th. A response they hope will appear in the pre budget statement from the chancellor on the 9th of December.

Richard Wilson
"Our proposals would cost the Treasury £192m over a five-year period. However, over that same period it would generate or safeguard £415m in tax receipts, encourage or promote new investments to the tune of £450m, and safeguard or create up to 3,500 graduate level jobs.”

Britain is currently 4th in the developers league tables after slipping down a place in 2007 and it is predicated that if things go unchanged the that we will slip down again to 5th before the end of next year.

Rumours are flying that Logitech are working on an external UMD drive for the PSPgo, this would completely destroy Sony’s business model and maybe even push the idea of the next gen of console being download only if it sells well, although Logitech UK have denied the existence of any such project Logitech US have said that it is some thing they are looking into.
British tennis ace and world ranked number four player Andy Murray has split form his long term girlfriend Kim Sears apparently due to Andy’s love of video games, according to a close friend of Kim Sears Murray would enjoy gaming “binges” on tennis sims and the much loved Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and that Sears simply wanted more out of the relationship, Murray’s former coach Brad Gilbert has said that he would spend up to seven hours a day playing video games

“He would spend all his time glued to (the games), In the end she just got fed up with it”

Murray’s agents have leap to his defence saying

“Doesn’t play computer games any more than any other 22 year-old”

To be honest Andy maybe you should have put the pad down for a couple of hours.
Spurred on we are sure by the success of the Call of Duty franchise after its re-launch as a modern day FPS EA are back with a brand new Medal of Honour and yep you guessed it, it has a modern day setting war-torn Afghanistan to be precise.

Electronic Arts today revealed that in 2010, Medal of Honor, will introduce the Tier 1 Operator: a relatively unknown entity directly under the National Command Authority who takes on missions no one else can handle. The development team has been working closely with Tier 1 Operators from the US Special Operations Community since the earliest stages of development to create the most authentic modern war experience. Inspired by real events, Medal of Honor reveals the mission of today’s most elite soldier – his will, his mindset and his uncompromising professionalism.

Medal of Honor is being built with a best-in-class single-player campaign. The Medal of Honor development team at EALA has been hand-selected by the studio leadership of General Manager Sean Decker, Executive Producer Greg Goodrich and Senior Creative Director Rich Farrelly. To compliment the single-player experience, EALA has enlisted the multiplayer expertise at EA DICE. This team will develop the multiplayer experience of Medal of Honor. These two studios are coming together to deliver a world-class Medal of Honor that is poised to re-set and re-boot the franchise for a new generation.

Although its going to have to go a long way to touch Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.
It seems that Microsoft are not down with you being gay and proud as a gay couple have had there XBOX LIVE account suspended.

My girlfriend and I share an XBOX LIVE account and today I received an email stating our account was suspended for inappropriate content in our profile.

Our gamer tag is ShayHolly - not offensive. In our profile under bio it says "lesbians from way back - apparently offensive? My blood started boiling instantly.

I was on the phone with XBOX customer support for hours and got absolutely no where. It is only suspended until tomorrow, but I don't care if they suspended it for only an hour, it is ridiculous.

This is the most observed thing we have ever read and Microsoft you need to hang you head in shame and send these girls some free shit and quick, if you going to start banning people for profile content how about you start with the racist homophobic scum that plague your service.