Final Fantasy XIII
Square Enix has confirmed that the PS3 version of the highly anticipated RPG, Final Fantasy XIII is superior to the Xbox 360 version thanks to Blu-Ray.

The Xbox 360 version will have compressed audio and video quality compared to the PS3 due large amount of game data and the limitations of DVD. The Xbox 360 game will still be released on multiple DVD discs, but the PS3 version will be on a single dual-layered Blu-Ray disc.

The actual differences to your eyes and ears will, hopefully be near unnoticeable, but we know what some of you Final Fantasy fans are like. If you're one to nit-pick you may want to consider getting the PS3 one.

The heavy metal band, Slayer have announced that they will be taking part in Microsoft's long-running Game with Fame series, which kicks into action on December 16th.

A post from the bands official website says:

"Members of the metal group Slayer will bring their attitude and gaming skills to Xbox Live to play Gold members in Slayer Mode (naturally) in Halo 3. If you're a Gold Member join us Wednesday, December 16 starting at 7:00 P.M. ET for the carnage."

If you want the change to play against the heavy metal heroes then simply send them a friend request (below) and be online at 6:30pm due to the different time zone.

                          SlayerKerry GwF      SlayerDave GwF

Good luck and kick some ass!
Slayer play Halo 3
The director of Bayonetta, Hideki Kamiya as admitted that he would like to make another Viewtiful Joe game.

Kamiya directed the brilliant side-scrolling beat 'em up which was released on GameCube in 2003, but since the release of Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble on the DS we haven’t seen much from Joe other than his latest appearance in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom on Wii.
Viewtiful Joe
"I don't have the rights to any of the IPs that I've made," said Kamiya who left Capcom to form Platinum Games. "They belong to the companies that publish them, and they're a business so they have a right to exploit those IPs as they want... Viewtiful Joe is probably all I've got left."

"That story is incomplete so I'd like to finish it someday. But that would probably be the most difficult one to do."

We can only hope that he does get the chance to finish it because the previous two Viewtiful Joe games were awesome. C’mon, Capcom make it happen.
The controversial mission in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, ‘No Russian’ has been re-named to ’No Killing’ in Japan.
'No Russian'
Literally you do exactly what it says on the tin, you don’t kill anyone, which kind of make you a wussy terrorist. If you choose to kill any civilians in the airport you’ll be swiftly taken to a Game Over screen. Of course, as we all know, in the western versions of the game you're free to choose whether or not you wish to join your terrorist colleagues in the shootout

If you ask us, they’re not missing out on much. The ‘No Russian’ is alright for about a minuet and then it becomes incredibly dull.
Labour MP Tom Watson
Labour MP Tom Watson has called on the help of both ELSPA and TIGA to begin “forming an idea” that he hopes will turn in to a UK Games Council that could "run along the lines of the UK Film Council and ensure government can no longer "ignore the games industry".

"We can really think about what the long term interests are for the industry: skills, training, job, publishing, copyright. And a Games Council would mean that the government can't ignore the games industry. It's part of the machinery. I'd like to see the industry and I think it would benefit the understanding of the industry by government."

"It would be good to get something in place before the general election; it would certainly be good to get both parties [Labour and the Conservatives] committed to that in the manifestos for the general election so they can move quite quickly after it."

Tom Watson also promised to continue pushing the gamers voice with the help of his 15,000 members strong face book page that he hopes will become "the equivalent in gaming of what the Football Supporters' Association is in football", giving "a platform to ordinary people who are going out there and just love playing games."

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Infinity ward have confirmed that the up coming patch to fix the multiplayer aspect of the game has reached the certification stage of the process, community manager Rob Bowling gave us the low down on what the patch was set to fix

Javelin glitch fix
Unlimited Care Package glitch fix
Geography glitch fix that allowed players to appear in the environment, such as the rocks in Afghan
Despite EA only offering up the tentative release date of fall 2010 for there up coming Modern Warfare 2 clone sorry sorry “competitor” online UK retailers AmazonUK and have slapped October 29th on there respective sites but as we know this could turn out to be a load of wishful thinking on there part.
UK high street retailers GAME have posted that despite titles such as new super Mario bros, fifa 10 and call of duty modern warfare 2 the company has seen a fall in profit buy 10.8% for the 44 weeks ending December 5th and that like of like sales for that period were down 15.1% along with total UK sales down 14.3%.

"Since the half year, there have been a number of major software releases including Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and FIFA 10, which both broke records in their first week of launch."

"However, the exceptionally strong performance of these titles was in part offset by softer than expected sales of some other releases."

"We have seen strong competition in all of the markets that we operate in. In the UK, in particular, we have seen significant pricing activity from the supermarkets. However, our overall year to date market share position has improved due to the strength of our consumer proposition, including our trade-in offers, loyalty card discounts, breadth of range and specialist staff. "

"Our preowned business has continued to perform well as it offers real value for our customers, particularly in the current economic climate."

Hang in there GAME we are sure it will all come good.
After all of the leaks and magazine hints, EA has finally lifted the lid on Dead Space 2 which will be released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.
Dead Space
Executive Producer of Dead Space 2, Steve Papoutsis revealed a little bit of information about the game.

"Isaac Clarke returns for another heart-pounding adventure, taking the fight to the Necromorphs in this thrilling action-horror experience," says the official blurb, which gives away very little in the way of gameplay specifics.

"New tools to gruesomely slice and dismember the Necromorphs complement Isaac's signature plasma cutter, empowering him as he meets new characters, explores epic zero-G environments, and fights against a relentless Necromorph onslaught. Survival isn't the only thing on Isaac's mind in Dead Space 2 - this time, he calls the shots."

"The infection continues to spread throughout space and our hero Isaac Clarke is the only person able to contain it. There are still loads of Necromorphs that need killing.”

"In Dead Space 2, not everything is exactly as it seems. Expect plot twists that will surprise you and a huge cast of twisted, disgusting monsters that are sure to scare the daylights out of you."

No information about a possible release date then? Typical.
A trailer form the newest Pokemon to hit the Wii, simply titled PokePark Wii, has been released.

You control Pokemon mascot, Pikachu as you fight against rival Pokemon, play mini games and befriend different creatures. The trailer shows that the games looks very nice with bright and colourful graphics, but let’s be honest this is just another game made to get money from hundreds of Pokefans.