Although is hasn’t been officially announced by Sony, EA boss, John Riccitiello has said that Sony’s motion controller is to be called ‘Gem’ at the UBS 37th Annual Global Media Conference yesterday.

Riccitiello said:

"In the coming year, both Sony and Microsoft have announced new controllers. Motion sensor controls, Natal and Gem, these are likely to bring new consumers into the marketplace."
Sony's 'Gem'
Is ‘Gem’ a stupid name? Yes. What does ‘Gem’ mean or stand for? We have no bloody idea, but at least we can stop referring to it as the ‘motion controller’ now.

Sony's new PlayStation motion control device will not apparently be called 'Gem' as we first thought, according to SCEA Director of Communications, Patrick Seybold.

[‘Gem’] was an early code name for the product. We haven't announced a final name at this point."

Looks like we’re stuck with ‘motion controller’ again.
The latest issue of American magazine, Nintendo Power has revealed that Mega Man will be coming back to WiiWare in the form of Mega Man 10.
Mega Man 10
The new game will, once again, be designed to look like an old NES game with 8-bit graphics and will have three playable characters, two of which are Mega Man (obviously) and his former foe from Mega Man 3, Proto Man. The third playable character has yet to be mentioned, but if we were to guess we’d probably say Roll due to her appearance in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.

Mega Man 10 will also have an Easy difficulty setting for people who found the last game too hard. If there’s an Easy mode then we’d hate to see what Normal difficulty is like.

And, finally, a new Robot Master has been announced for the game called Sheep Man. No, really he’s called Sheep Man. The new boss doesn’t attack you with cute, fluffy farm animals but rather with Thunder Clouds.

So far the game has only be announced for WiiWare, but we’re confident that it’ll be coming to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. There’s no doubt that we’re looking forward to this title.
Bungie have launched their official website for Halo: Reach today ready for the world premier of the game, which is due next week.
Halo: Reach
An update on the website reads:

"The Halo: Reach World Premiere is airborne and destined for the Spike TV Video Game Awards airing this Saturday night, 12/12."

"Since you've got some time to kill between then and now, we figured we'd deploy the updated and more official Halo: Reach project page so you can get familiar with the one stop shop for all things Reach-related."

"Right now you'll find mostly foundational elements, but don't just fire and forget, there's plenty of content coming in 2010. Stay tuned."

Don’t forget that you can watch the Halo: Reach premier at the Video Game Awards on Fiver on December 15th.
We already told you about the new Construction Site stage in Capcom’s Super Street Fighter IV, but they have today revealed three more new stages.

The new stages are set in India, Korea and Africa. The African stage is very reminiscent to Elena’s stage in SF3, so could she be making a return?
Speaking about returning SF3 characters, one of the screenshots shows Sakura being hit with a kunai (a dagger, basically), which could suggest that Ibuki will be coming back. However, Capcom hasn’t confirmed her appearance in the game but they haven’t explained why the kunai is in the picture either.
Ibuki in SSFIV?
All we know is that SSFIV is looking better and better with every piece of new information that gets released.
With only a few weeks to go until the big day, Microsoft has released the Christmas Collection for your Avatar where you can waste some perfectly good money on silly Christmas junk.

Why buy Arcade titles or DLC when you can buy a Christmas jumper? There's no contest really.
Sony have been hard at work down at the US paten office with some interesting possibilities for the much talked about answer to Microsoft’s project natal, the controller including a sort of flash light attachment, a baseball bat, a microphone... even some maracas! Some other interesting entries are a ‘Biometric Reader’ which would be a thumb reader to identify the person holding the controller (maybe used for parental control among other uses).

A USB reader has also been hinted and many possibilities of connecting two controllers together, like an attachment to form a sort of ‘H’ shape, a connection between the two ‘lightballs’ on the tip and, hold your breath Star Wars fans, a possibility of attaching both controllers by the end as of the likes of a dual Lightsaber.

None of these has been confirmed by Sony so may never see the light of day but then again remember we all said that about DJ HERO.
The PS3 version of assassins creed 2 received a patch update today with the 360 version expected on the 11th of December, the patch fixes the following faults in the game.

Click read more

Bad news first -
Surprise surprise the much called for tax break by TIGA for the UK gaming industry will not be granted, Alistair Darling’s pre budget report includes nothing in way of aiding the declining UK gaming industry, one that generates more revenue for the British economy than the government-aided film industry (and all we get from them is shit like saint trinians 2).

Good news -
the UK government is planning on injecting £10 million in the UK games industry by the way of Abertay University in Dundee Scotland, with this money they hope to not only help out 8 current developers but also open up 30 new software companies creating four hundred jobs and cement Dundee as a key city in the gaming industries here and abroad.

Only time will tell thought if all this works out, for our money a government issued tax break makes the most sense as it would entice developers to the UK, simply splashing a bit of cash around may only work to cover a few holes in the falling UK industry and force us down the gaming industry league table even further.
The video game awards set to air this Saturday the 12th of December in the US on Spike TV have been conformed as getting a UK airing albeit a couple of days later on the 15th of December (that’s next Tuesday for every one that does not have a calendar) at 9.00pm on Channel 5, so although you will be able to read all about it first here at VGS on Monday it will still be cool to have something video game related air of British TV that is not the abortion that is game face on bravo.
The latest game in the Tony Hawk series got terrible reviews from many different critics, and Mr. Hawk is pretty pissed about it.

"Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game. I'm proud of what we created; it's innovative, responsive & fun," he said on his Twitter account but he also had an interview with The Sudbury Star, saying:

"I don't agree with people who say the board's not responsive. I think that they're just not giving it a fair shake. And I think a lot of them came into it with an attitude that it's going to suck."

"I know that
(RIDE) is super fun, and I think there's a misconception that I just stick my name on a game, I brought this idea to Activision, and I saw it through. I've been playing it every step of the way and I am very proud of it."
Tony Hawk
Fair enough, Tony. We respect you’re opinions towards the harsh reviews of your game, but you’ve got to understand that it’s actually a really, really bad game. It doesn’t matter if it has your name on it or not; it could be called Agatha Christies: Ride for all we care and it would still suck.