Although is hasn’t been officially announced by Sony, EA boss, John Riccitiello has said that Sony’s motion controller is to be called ‘Gem’ at the UBS 37th Annual Global Media Conference yesterday.

Riccitiello said:

"In the coming year, both Sony and Microsoft have announced new controllers. Motion sensor controls, Natal and Gem, these are likely to bring new consumers into the marketplace."
Sony's 'Gem'
Is ‘Gem’ a stupid name? Yes. What does ‘Gem’ mean or stand for? We have no bloody idea, but at least we can stop referring to it as the ‘motion controller’ now.

Sony's new PlayStation motion control device will not apparently be called 'Gem' as we first thought, according to SCEA Director of Communications, Patrick Seybold.

[‘Gem’] was an early code name for the product. We haven't announced a final name at this point."

Looks like we’re stuck with ‘motion controller’ again.

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