The latest game in the Tony Hawk series got terrible reviews from many different critics, and Mr. Hawk is pretty pissed about it.

"Most snarky critics had their minds set before ever seeing/playing the game. I'm proud of what we created; it's innovative, responsive & fun," he said on his Twitter account but he also had an interview with The Sudbury Star, saying:

"I don't agree with people who say the board's not responsive. I think that they're just not giving it a fair shake. And I think a lot of them came into it with an attitude that it's going to suck."

"I know that
(RIDE) is super fun, and I think there's a misconception that I just stick my name on a game, I brought this idea to Activision, and I saw it through. I've been playing it every step of the way and I am very proud of it."
Tony Hawk
Fair enough, Tony. We respect you’re opinions towards the harsh reviews of your game, but you’ve got to understand that it’s actually a really, really bad game. It doesn’t matter if it has your name on it or not; it could be called Agatha Christies: Ride for all we care and it would still suck.

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