The director of Bayonetta, Hideki Kamiya as admitted that he would like to make another Viewtiful Joe game.

Kamiya directed the brilliant side-scrolling beat 'em up which was released on GameCube in 2003, but since the release of Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble on the DS we haven’t seen much from Joe other than his latest appearance in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom on Wii.
Viewtiful Joe
"I don't have the rights to any of the IPs that I've made," said Kamiya who left Capcom to form Platinum Games. "They belong to the companies that publish them, and they're a business so they have a right to exploit those IPs as they want... Viewtiful Joe is probably all I've got left."

"That story is incomplete so I'd like to finish it someday. But that would probably be the most difficult one to do."

We can only hope that he does get the chance to finish it because the previous two Viewtiful Joe games were awesome. C’mon, Capcom make it happen.

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