Capcom are set for a “big announcement” this coming Thursday as the company Tweeded:

“Big announcement… 2 days to go!”

Some of you may remember that Capcom’s last ‘big announcement’ turned out to be nothing more that their line-up for GamesCom ‘09. But a Tweet from Super Street Fighter IV producer, Yoshinori Ono could give us a clue to what Capcom’s big announcement could be.

Ono Tweeded:

"Super SF4 on sale!! SuperSF4 is nothing compared to what's coming!!"
So what could he be talking about? Well, when Ono was ask if his Tweet was referring to the beat’em up game, Darkstalkers he said:

"I'm left speechless yet..... Shhhh."

This, of course, doesn’t confirm that Capcom’s big announcement will be about a new Darkstalkers game… but it’s looking pretty likely.

We’ll let you know about Capcom’s big news on Thursday, so stay tuned.

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