SCEA's Rob Dyer has teased "big, big titles coming this year" for the PSP from third party developers, with announcements coming at both GDC and E3 this spring and summer.
Sony PSP
In an interview with Industry Gamers, Dyer said:

"We still have a very robust line-up this year from third parties on the PSP, starting with Metal Gear Peace Walker."

"I won't go through the whole line-up because I want our third-party partners to make those announcements, but there are some big, big titles coming out this year and you'll see those announcements at GDC, DPS (Destination PlayStation) or E3."

We’ll admit that the library of PSP games has gotten a lot better in the past year or two, but what else could we be expecting? We’ll let you know more when the announcements are made later in the year.

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