OK, so if you haven’t guessed already we’re really looking forward to Capcom’s Super Street Fighter IV, especially with all of it’s new characters, levels, bonus stages and more. But did you know that they had chosen Hakan over a Brazilian fighter?

The games art director,
Toshiyuki Kamei explained why the Turkish wrestler was chosen over the Brazilian capoeira fighter.
"The final two ideas were Brazilian capoeira and Turkish Yagli gures," said Kamei. "For the capoeira guy, we had an interesting idea of moves where he would turn on his head and attack, but ultimately we wanted to go with something we hadn't done before, so that's how we came to use Yagli gures."

He added: "We've featured capoeira in one of our previous titles," presumably referring to Street Fighter III's Elena.

We weren’t too keen on Hakan, at first, be he’s starting to grow on us, so we‘re glad that Capcom went in a different direction. Besides, whenever we think of capoeira we think of the cheapest fighting character in the world… Eddy Gordo from Tekken.

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