With the Halo Reach BETA now in full swing Bungie have taken a little time out to comment on there thoughts about a new IP form the studio

“we are tremendously proud of what we have accomplished with the Halo series but we fell we can eclipse it with out new IP”

Bungie community boss Brian Jarrard

“If you look at Bungie's history, each new universe we've built has gotten a little big bigger and a little bit broader - with Halo obviously being the crown jewel these days, as a studio, we wouldn't want to embark down a future path where we didn't think we'd continue to improve and eclipse our previous efforts. I mean, every project we embark on, our goal is obviously to do more than we've done before”

Activision have recently snapped up the publishing rights to the what ever it is Bungie are working on for the next 10 years.

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