With last weeks horrifying news of an earthquake in Haiti, Bungie have decided to step-in and help out the cause.

If you play either Halo 3 or Halo 3: ODST online whilst wearing a certain emblem, Bungie will donate $100 to the Red Cross for Haiti relief, up to a maximum of $77,000. All you have to do is change your emblem to a white circle with a red heart in the middle. It’s that simple.
Halo 3: ODST Haiti cause
But there’s more. If you take a snapshot of your character and send them to Bungie, with the title “HERO”, then you’ll have the chance to win a special “Be a Hero!” Superintendent t-shirt if your picture is one of the best taken.
'Be a Hero!' Superintendent t-shirt
So why not jump Halo 3 right now, change your emblem and have fun online. It doesn’t take long to do and you’ll be helping out a good cause. You might even see us online representing… and tea-bagging anyone who gets in our way.

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