There’s no denying that Street Fighter IV is a gaming masterpiece. From it’s gorgeous graphics to the well-balanced gameplay, Street Fighter IV is defiantly a game that’s hard to fault. So it seemed inevitable, judging by the millions of copies that it sold, that Capcom would be interested in making a sequel.

In the Japanese Street Fighter IV official blog, writer
Natsuki Shiozawa promised readers that she would talk about a possible sequel and she kept her promise by saying that a more solid announcement would be made in the future. That’s kind of a rip off, if you ask us Mrs. Shiozawa.

What we mean by ‘sequel’ is that, we’d imagine, Capcom would release a Turbo, Super or Special edition of Street Fighter IV and possible add new characters like in Super Street Fighter II where Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Cammy and Fei Long were introduced to the series.

We’re all looking forward to hear more about this sequel. We’d guess that an appearance from Dee Jay and T. Hawk is on the cards or even some of the guys from 3rd Strike or Alpha, but it’s just too early to say.
Street Fighter IV
We want more! We want more!

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