The vice president of Codemasters Studios, Gavin Cheshire has some serious issues with Sony's PSP.
To be more precise, he thinks that the user experience is rubbish and is threatening to stop people using the handheld. In an interview with UK magazine Edge, he said:

"Well, speaking as a person who bought a PSP, the problem was that I always thought, because it was a better screen than iPod's, that I'd be doing more with it. But it was such a bollocking useless waste of space; just getting stuff on it was ridiculous. That was its downfall.”

"Relatively speaking, we didn't do too badly on F1 PSP, but regarding the future, I think they've got - well... no. PSP Go's a lovely device, really smart, but our senior VP bought one the day it came out and has a great story, because he ended up on some customer support line just trying to do basic stuff.”

"He had to re-download his software, do an immediate firmware update, and that's your user experience. Sony just hasn't got it right. Stuff like that will make people leave it alone."

Although Cheshire doesn’t like the PSP, Sony has recently announced that the UMD media is doing really well and that worldwide PSP sales stand at 60 million units. In fact, last weeks sales figures in Japan showed that the PSP was dominating the charts in first place with over 64,000 units sold. That’s almost double the amount of it’s closest competitor, the Nintendo Wii.

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