Rob Bowling form Infinity Ward has commented on why the developer has dropped coop play from the campaign aspect of the game saying that it ruined the experience they had worked so hard to achieve.

“We did it early on; that’s what Spec Ops started out as, as co-op through story."

“But it really broke the cinematic experience, took the immersion out of it, out of the story and the pacing and everything we’d spent so long crafting. It just ruined the experience we were aiming for, so we took it out, kept the single-player for that one player intact and polished it.”

“But then there were moments that were really fun with two players, so we took those moments and put them in Spec Ops."

“So you can play moments directly taken from the single-player, in Spec Ops, but it’s polished towards those two players so the experience is pure. You really get the best of both worlds: you get the moments that were fun, but the moments that were shitty we took out.”

As far as we are concerned coop is must for all games as not everyone has the ability to play online, taking it out of the campaign sucks but at least they have worked to deliver a separate coop experience

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