The Official PlayStation Magazine in America has said that the addition of cross-game chat on the PlayStation 3 could be a subscription-only feature.

"Aside from the 3D goodness, cross-game party chat is the obvious next big feature,' even though it might be restricted to paid [PSN] subscribers," said the magazine.
PlayStation Network
Sonyhas admitted to it’s consideration of introducing paid subscriptions to PSN, although it stressed that all features that are currently free would remain that way, and only new added services, such as unlimited access to PSP and PSone games on PSN, would be introduced with monthly fees. 

We can understand pay a fee for unlimited access to PSP and PSone games, but for talking to your mate through separate games seems completely unfair. We’ve been able to cross-chat on our 360, free-of-charge, for years, so why should PS3 owners be expected to fork over a subscription fee? Absolutely bonkers.

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