It’s been a while since the cast from Dead or Alive were seen on a Sony console but now they’re coming back and, for the first time in DOA history, they’re making the leap from home consoles to portable ones… well, at least the ladies are.
Dead or Alive: Paradise
That’s right, the female fighters will be heading on to the PSP next year in Dead or Alive: Paradise where they’ll, once again, be on a deserted island doing nothing but swimming in the pool, playing volleyball and gambling in the casino, but this time you can take them anywhere you want, even on the bus where people will defiantly be giving you funny looks as they peer over your shoulder.

Hopefully, with the launch of DOA: Paradise will bring along with it the original PlayStation fighting game to the PS Store so that people can realise that these girls can do more than hit a ball to each other, but that they can actually kick the shit out of people when needed to. Of course, that won’t happen but we can dream, can’t we?

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