Bungie has lifted the lid on a list of new features coming to Halo Reach's multiplayer mode when it's launched later this year.

The most significant are new ‘Arena’ playlists. These are a mixture of both Slayer and Team Slayer games that are aimed at the hardcore Halo player, where players are separated into different skill divisions based on their performance during month-long seasons. 

You're not just ranked on skill but on assists in team games along with your kill/death ratio. The game places you into the most appropriate category - Onyx, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and Steel - and shifts you between the categories as your skills improve. To qualify, you have to play a certain number of games a day to gain a ‘Daily Ranking‘, and you need a certain number of ‘Daily Rankings’ to get a ‘Divisional Ranking’ and compete in a season.
Halo: Reach Matchmaking lobby
With ‘Arena’ drawing in hardcore players, Bungie has gotten rid of the Ranked and Unranked play lists and have replaced them with a new, more intelligent, matchmaking system that can put you and your team into the most appropriate game type with an opposing team of equal skill.

Other tweaks have also been made. The game will now auto party-up with players after a game, giving you the option to opt-out (instead of having to opt-in). You can specify language, connection speed or skill level as a preference for matchmaking, vote to veto maps or game types separately, and can enter a queue to join friends that are already in-game as soon as the match is finished.

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