It looks as if a new channel is going to be released on the DSi called the Speak Channel, if rumours are to be believed after the new application was mentioned on a customer support page on Nintendo’s website.
The web page no-longer mentions anything about the supposed channel but, apparently, the page used to read:

Error 206602

To redeem a Nintendo DSi Download Ticket number, such as for the Nintendo DSi Speak Channel, enter the number off the Nintendo DSi Download Ticket in 'Settings and Features' off of the main Nintendo DSi Shop page, then select 'Nintendo DSi Download Ticket.’

However, a Nintendo representative has said that "It's rumour as nothing has been announced." Come on, buddy. It sounds pretty fucking conclusive to us. Forget what the big N’s orders’ are and let everyone know about this new DSi channel… That no-one will use after the first week of downloading it.

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