The conference opened up with a trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops followed by Mark Lamia of Treyarch Studios coming out on stage to give us a live demonstration of the game in action, the level he played saw him working his way through an underground tunnel though to a helicopter on a landing pad surrounded by enemy troops in the middle of a jungle that he then proceeded to assault ending up with him taking control of the helicopter both piloting and firing following a river down stream where encountered heavy enemy resistance ending up with him assaulting an enemy camp form the air.
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Microsoft senior vice president of interactive entrainment Don Mattrick then made his way on stage to announced that Microsoft now have a standing agreement with Activision that all future Call of Duty map packs and add on will launch exclusively first on the XBOX 360 for the next three years, and all so confirmed that Natal would be official know as Kinect, he then invited Hideo Kijima on stage to talk a little about Metal Gear Solid Rising who then intern invited Shigenbu Matsuyma on stage to talk abit more and all so show of a new trailer for the XBOX exclusive title.
Metal Gear Solid Rising
The trailer started out with a flashy looking cut scene of a robot having it’s arm chopped off and spinal cord ripped out by the games main character Raiden, it then showed some in game footage of how you will have the ability to cut any thing you want and in any way you want in game even showing it will be precise enough to slice up a watermelon.

After the trailer had ended the lights went up for us to hear from corporate vice president of Microsoft game studios Phil Spencer, he talked about how thought the XBOX characters like Sam Fisher, Master Chief and Marcus Fenix had broken in to pop culture, and to announce that every thing that would be shown during the conference would be an XBOX 360 exclusive title, he then invited Cliff Bleszinski on stage, who was not only was sporting a cool looking red 360 pad but all so gave us a live demo of Gears of War 3 4 player co-op.
Gears of War 3
The demo showed delta squad being ambushed by locust on there way to a COG base who then them self’s where attacked by lambent, as they approach the COG base delta squad comes under attack by even more lambent who this time start mutating as they become familiar to the players play style, we also got to see a hulking spider like lambent boss that tore up the environment as well as the impressive visual of the new unreal engine we all so got to see two of the new female characters inaction though out the demo, after the demo Bleszinski announced that they would be unveiling a new game mode called beast later in the week.

Peter Molyneux was up next on stage to take us though Fable III. Set 50 years after the last title Molyneux talked about how your actions this time will not only affect those around you but those of entire kingdoms, we where then treated to some brand new Fable III footage showed off some of the new locations in Albion and the basic set plot of the game that sees you play as the youngest of two princess set on over throwing his evil older brother for the good of all Albion.
Fable III
After the Fable III trailer had ended the lights went back up and Phil Spencer introduced us to Marcus lehto from Bungie who of course had come to talk about Halo Reach, he then showed off some pre recorded footage of the Halo Reach campaign that saw Noble team storm a beach under siege by covenant drop pods to make there way to a UNSC strong hold that had all ready been invaded by covenant forces that UNSC troops had managed to push back, the end of the footage was Noble team board a Sabre that launched them into space where for the first time in the Halo series we will be able to participate in space combat.
Halo Reach
Next up it was the turn of corporate vice president Mark Whitten to take to the stage who with a dodge microphone took us thought of some of the things we can look forward to doing with kinect from simply waving to sign in to your 360 with a brand new controller free hub to making video calls using kinect, he also spoke about a new XBOX 360 app coming to Windows phone 7 later this year that will allow you to sign in to your profile on the move and see your achievements and what friends are online. He also went on to announce that Microsoft has been able to secure the rights to bring ESPN to the 360 giving gold subscribers the opportunity to view thousands of sporting events although no specific information was given about availability of this services we imagine that it will be a US only thing.

This was followed by a look at Kinect with Kudo Tsunoda, he showed of six Kinect only games Kinectimals, Kinectsports, Joyride, Kinect Adventures, Your Shape Fitness Evolved and Dance Central how ever the highlight Kinect title shown during the conference would have to be Star Wars Kinect which if it works like the trailer demo’s could be the Star Wars game we have all dreamed of since first seeing A New Hope.
Bill Giese and Dan Greenawalt from Turn 10 studios took to the stage next with a demo of how Kinect will work on a high end racing sim like Froze being able to turn you head in the car to see the door mirrors and steer the car simply by turning a steering wheel in midair, and how using Kinect you can virtually walk around and even get into a vehicle of your choosing.
Forza Motorsport 3
Don Mattrick returned to the stage to close the conference and also to unveil the new look XBOX 360 with built in Wi-Fi 802.11N, whisper quiet running and a sleek new look with a 250GB hard drive, he unveiled it by lifting up a hollowed out XBOX 360 shell to reveal the new smaller sleeker console inside and announced that the new machine would cost exactly the same as the current model (never would there be a better time for the RROD to strike forcing you to upgrade) but the best was yet to come as he announced that the machine would be shipping to retailers world wide today and that the entire audience at the Microsoft E3 would all be able to take one home as gift to them from Microsoft.
XBOX 360 SlimLine
Moments later GAME announced on there official Twitter page that the new slim line 360 would available on the 16th of July 2010 in the UK. So what did you think of the conference, did any of your predictions come true or are there still things that you thing Microsoft are missing out on let us know in the comments bar below, and if you want to watch the whole conference for your self check it out here at the official XBOX face book page.

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