The Nintendo E3 conference kicked of with a nice little 10-1 countdown and some fire works, after which Reggie Fils-Aime made his way in stage, he opened up the conference by talking about how E3 was the land of technology and made some comparisons between the different types of technology and user interfaces that we would see at this years E3 “touch screens, big screens, HD, 3D, button control, motion control and no controller at all” and how Nintendo would once again be raising the bar by blending technology and game play together to bring the best gaming experience possible.
Nintendo E3
We where then treat to a world premier trailer of the new Legend of Zelda game, the trailer opened up with a timeline looking back at some of the best Zelda titles such as Twilight Princess, Majoras Mask and The Wind Waker to then open up to the latest incarnation of Link, once again an adult version this time the game has all most painting like quality to it, the trailer shown Link not only using the icon sword and shield combo from games past but all so a tentative look at some of the new weapons in the game, at the end of the trailer The Legend of Zelda tri-force came up and announced the games full title to be The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
After that Shigeru Miyamoto, accompanied by the same sword and shield that he held aloft at the 2004 E3 came out to talk about his latest title, he talked about how over the years it had been a challenge to produce an effective and believe experience of sword play using controllers but after seeing how the Wii Motion Plus had made sword play so simple he had finally found his sword play mechanic using the Wii remote to move the sword freely whilst rising and the lowing the shield with the nun-chuck, we where then introduced to a very nerves guy named Bill trying to show us how to play the new Zelda title who in a rather scripted manner was of course very bad at the game forcing Shigeru Miyamoto to take to the stage and show us the game him self whilst Bill translated for him.

We saw Shigeru Miyamoto face off against several different enemies that required different sweeping directions from the sword or shield to defeat them and that this time charging the sword would require raising it up to the sky instead of simply holding down the A button like past Zelda games, he then went on to talk about how the item screen would become so intuitive to you whilst playing that you would instinctively know where every thing is at all times with out even having to look, he then demo the sling shot, bombs and bow which did not really work Shigeru Miyamoto apologized and put this glitch down to the amount of wireless interference in the conference room but explained that it worked much like the bow in Wii Sports Resort by holding down the C button then pulling the bow back, he then demo a brand new weapon in the game called the beetle that once fired you controlled using the Wii remote to pick up items of have a look ahead of you and finally a whip that worked just like the sword but for a more ranged attack, the live demo ended with a tentative release date of 2011 and an extended trailer that showed of the game and its enemies a bit more.
Miyamoto Skyward Sword demo
Reggie Fils-Aime then came back on stage to talk about the wide world of sports in the gaming industry and how this year Wii players would have the opportunity to play both the realistic version of the favourite sports in titles like Madden 11 and PES 11 and the not so realistic in title like NBA Jam and a brand new Mario centric sporting title Mario Sports Mix where we will be able to play mushroom kingdom versions of volleyball, hockey, dodge ball and basketball.
Mario Sport Mix
Reggie Fils-Aime then gave a big F you to all the people that have said the Wii is nothing more then a one day a year toy to play with by announcing record breaking sales in the USA and some independent poles that put the Wii on top of both the other two main home console produces in both play time and want ability, he then showed of the next in what he called a bridge game Wii Party that sees your Mii take to a game board and play mini games in an attempt to be the first one to the finish just like those in the Mario Party titles, he also introduced us to Ubisofts sequel to Just Dance, Just Dance 2, and then a trailer to Golden Sun: Dark Dawn for Nintendo DS, the trailer showed classic Golden Sun game play format he GBA series with the inclusion of the DS touch screen to solve puzzle and do combat.

Then with a play on the word golden Reggie Fils-Aime unveiled a trailer for a brand new Wii exclusive Goldeneye game by Activision staring the latest Bond Daniel Craig which promises all the fun and action from the original thirteen years ago along with a host of new features top of which is online multiplayer.
Goldeneye 007
Reggie Fils-Aime the showed off a bit of Disney Epic Mickey by inviting Warren Spector and Adam Creighton of Disney up on stage to demo the game, they showed off the key game mechanic of Epic Mickey that allows you to use paint and thinner to paint new objects into the game to aid you in your quest and erase other parts of it as well, they then demo a second level of the game that saw the perspective shift form a 3D action game to a more traditional 2D plat former based on the classic Disney Cartoon steam boat Willy.
Epic Mickey
Reggie Fils-Aime next introduced us to a brand new Kirby game the Epic Yarn which on the face of it shares a lot in common with the paper Mario series (minus the RPG element) but sees Kirby and the world around him made out of yarn and fabric that Kirby can manipulate thou out the world and all so hinted at the possibility of co-op play as well.
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Dragon Quest 9 all so got a US release date of next month on July 11th and Metroid other M the date of August 31st, next up was the announcement of the return of Donkey Kong Country with a visual style very much in keeping with the original Rare titles slated for a holiday release date this year.

Departing the stage Reggie Fils-Aime allowed Satoru Iwata to take centre place to unveil the brand new Nintendo hand held the Nintendo 3DS, he talked about how the duel screen device had a larger wide screen at the top and how it would allow you to experience full 3D with out the need for expensive glasses, he spoke about how the device has an analogy slider on the side that allow you to control the intensity of the 3D at will with out having to go in to any menus, he all spoke about how this was not just a standard DS with a 3D screen slapped on the top but was in fact the next advancement of the hardware with improved graphical capabilities, the device all so has a built in motion sensor and gyro sensor as well an analogy joy stick, the top of the device has not one but two cameras that will allow you to take a photo and then view it in 3D on the Nintendo 3DS, Satoru Iwata all so talked about plans to bring 3D Hollywood movies to the Nintendo 3DS though partner ships with movie studios like Disney, Warner Bros and Dream Works, We where then treated to a trailer for one of the very first Nintendo 3DS games.
Satoru Iwata Nintendo 3DS
Kid Icarus: Uprising, after the trailer had ended Satoru Iwata told us about how the Nintendo 3DS will have the ability to multitask whilst you are playing allowing the machine to connect to the internet and retrieve data about one game whilst you play another all with out the price of a monthly fee, he then all so announced several third party companies that plan on producing 3DS games including Capcom with a Resident Evil title and Konami with a Metal Gear Solid title.
Kid Icarus Nintendo 3DS
The conferences concluded with Reggie Fils-Aime giving us around up of every thing that he and the rest of Nintendo and the third party developers had talked about and shown off during the show, he then invited out a 100 plus booth babes with Nintedno 3DS units chained to there wastes for the audience to try out as well as several Wii systems that where playing The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
Nintendo 3DS booth babes
Did any of your predictions come true or are there still things that you thing Nintendo are missing out on let us know in the comments bar below and if you want to watch the whole conference for your self check it out here at e3.nintendo

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