It’s time for another research study which proves that video games are more evil than WMDs, Germany and piranhas combined.

This time, the study shows that children who play more than two hours of video games a day are 67% more likely to suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The report from the Official Journal of the American Academy of Paediatrics, which followed 1,323 elementary school kids for a year, "strongly" suggested that video games could be doing significant damage to young children’s attention spans. The report suggest that TV and games are so stimulating to youngsters that they can no-longer pay attention to the real world.
Video games and ADHD
"Others have hypothesized that because most television programs involve rapid changes in focus, frequent exposure to television may harm children's abilities to sustain focus on tasks that are not inherently attention-grabbing."

But the study’s author, Edward Swing from Iowa State University, admitted that children with ADHD could turn to TV and video games for stimulating entertainment, and says that more research is needed.

"It wouldn't surprise me if children who have attention problems are attracted to these media, and that these media increase the attention problems," said Swing.

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