To all of the people who are hoping that Goldeneye will be released on the Xbox Live Arcade, it looks as if it won’t happen, as Rare have said that it will never see the light of day.

A comeback did look promising when screenshots of a graphically improved version of Goldeneye were flying through the world wide web just a few months ago, but this latest news has left people wondering if the most beloved FPS on the N64 will ever make a comeback.

A representative for Rare said:

“That was some time ago.”

"Fate was against us that day. Destiny conspired to raise the hurdles even as we attempted to clear them, resulting in unpleasant groinal injury. I suspect we're long past the stage where an agreement was on the cards, but you never know. Stranger things have happened... somewhere... probably."

Honestly, we don’t know what all the fuss is about. Sure, Goldeneye was a great game back in 1997 and the multiplayer was just awesome. But, unfortunately, it’s aged terribly. Personally, we’d rather stick with Halo or Call of Duty. Sorry, 007.

Oh! And in case you’re still holding your breath about a Virtual Console release, then we’re sorry to say that it’s very unlikely.
Early screenshost of Goldeneye on 360
It almost happened. Almost.

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