Nintendo of Europe held a media summit in London today where they were revealing a whole bunch of new games coming out on both WiiWare and DSiWare, such as LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias and the Aardman Flipnote Studio Animations.

But the best news that came out of the summit was Nintendo’s announcement of the ‘Connection Ambassador Promotion’ for loyal fans of WiiWare and Virtual Console titles, which will start in October. Here’s how the promotion works:

People who encourage their friends and family to connect their Wii online will be given the title of ‘Ambassador’ and will receive 500 points along with the person who they helped get connected, so it’s a win-win situation for both people. The maximum amount of people that an ‘Ambassador’ can help get online is 20, which means they can earn a maximum of 10,000 points to spent on whatever they want.

That sounds really good, but it gets better. If you manage to help 10 people get connected you’ll be promoted to ‘Connection Master Gold’, which means that you’ll be able to download all Nintendo first-party NES for free. But, if you help 20 people then you’ll attain ‘Connection Master Platinum’ status, which will allow you to download all first and third-party NES, SNES and N64 games for free!

That sounds like a great idea, but here’s the problem: how many people do you know that have a Wii but don’t have it connected to the internet? Maybe two or three; but how the Hell are we supposed to convince 20 people to connect their Wii to the internet, let alone 10?! Looks like we’re gonna’ have to roam the streets and ask random strangers if they have a Wii…at, which point, the police will probably show up.

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