According to a recent survey conducted by, Japanese consumers aren't interested in 3D TVs and do not intend to purchase one for their homes.

8,957 people responded to the survey and 67.4 percent of respondents said they didn't intend to upgrade to a 3D capable TV. 

70 percent of respondents referred to the glasses as an issue with 3D TVs, 57 percent said the high price tag was a deterrent and nearly 40 percent said the lack of 3D content was another factor for this decision.
With so few Japanese consumers showing very little interest in the new technology, Sony could be faced with a very tough battle with their push for 3D TVs and 3D gameplay on PlayStation 3.

Personally, we think that 3D TV is nothing more than a gimmick. Seriously, who wants to wear stupid glasses to watch a film or play a game?

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