Jack Tretton, the president and CEO of Sony America, has confirmed that Killzone 3 is on the way.

When asked, by GameTrailers.com, about the PlayStation Move at this year’s GDC, Tretton confirmed that Killzone 3 was coming, but was uncertain about an announcement at this year's E3. Tretton said:

"Well, we own Guerrilla Games and they did a great job on Killzone 1 and 2. I don't know if you'll see announcements about it, but I can promise you a Killzone 3."
He did say, however, that Sony fans will have a lot to be excited about at E3

"This is just the frosting on the cake, I'm saving the batter for E3. We will absolutely bring the heat, there's a lot to talk about."

Both Killzone 1 and 2 were huge games when they were released, so we can expect the third games in the series to have the same success… as long as they don’t tak-on any stupid Move motion controls.

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