The December issue of the American Official PlayStation Magazine is rumouring that PS3 owners can expect to see a third instalment of Killzone in 2010.
Killzone 3?
Titled as ‘The Secret Games of 2010’, the article reads:

"Insider slips reveal three big names you can already pencil for the next year,"

"Killzone 3 is reportedly deep in development".

We would have expected to see Killzone 3 sometime in 2011, if we’re being honest, but it’s possible that the developers of Killzone 2, Guerrilla could already be working to the title in question.

The article also goes on to say:

"Insomniac's Full Moon Show podcast hints at a project we can only conclude is Resistance 3, and a Treyarch employee's online mentions a Call of Duty: World at World sequel.”

And there we were saying that the PS3 had too many FPS games. How wrong were we?

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