Specifications for Microsoft’s up coming motion control sensing camera Kinect have hit the net today, apart for the obvious 360 that is required you will all so have to make sure that you have at least 175MB of storage available for drives and other software the equipment need to run as well as a free USB port.
Kinect / XBOX 360 Slim
Kinect Technical Specifications

Colour and depth-sensing lenses
Voice microphone array
Tilt motor for sensor adjustment

Field of View
Horizontal field of view: 57 degrees
Vertical field of view: 43 degrees
Physical tilt range: 27 degrees
Depth sensor range: 1.2m - 3.5m

Data Streams
320x240 16-bit depth @ 30 frames/sec
640x480 32-bit colour@ 30 frames/sec
16-bit audio @ 16 kHz

Skeletal Tracking System
Tracks up to 6 people, including 2 active players
Tracks 20 joints per active player
Ability to map active players to Xbox LIVE Avatars

Audio System
Xbox LIVE party chat and in-game voice chat (requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership)
Echo cancellation system enhances voice input
Speech recognition in multiple languages

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