A document containing minuets of a meeting between Sony Computer Entertainment of America (SCEA) and Sega has surfaced on the internet and it contains some rather interesting stuff.

The document revealed that Sony is planning to release their motion controller in March in Japan and Spring for Europe and America. They estimate that the new motion controller will shift between 4-5 million units worldwide, although there have been no plans to bundle the new controller with any games or consoles, yet.

Sony also plans to sell PS2 games on the PlayStation Network, similar to what Microsoft are doing with their ‘Xbox Classics’ range of downloadable titles. The document also mentions the possibility of a new ‘Japanese Import’ section of the PS Store where people can buy Japan-only PS3 titles.

But what is perhaps the best news of the lot is the possibility of Dreamcast games making their way to the PS Store and a ‘Best of Sonic’ compilation, which will have all the old Sonic games, on one Blu-Ray disc.

Sounds all very exciting so far. We just hope that the Dreamcast downloads happen in the near future.

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