Some crazy news for you now. According to the Australian Classification Board, Left 4 Dead 2 has been refused classification, meaning that the gamers down-under won’t be able to enjoy killing zombies with the rest of us.

The ACB claim that they are protecting gamers from the “high impact violence” in Valve’s eagerly anticipated sequel.

The ACB’s report says:

- The game contains violence that is high in impact and is therefore unsuitable for persons aged under 18 to play.

- Melee weapons "inflict the most damage" and cause "copious amounts of blood spray and splatter (sic), decapitations and limb dismemberment... or even cause intestines to spill from the wounds."

- In conclusion, the Board finds that the "interactive nature of the game increases the overall impact of the frequent and intense depictions of violence. This coupled with the graphic depictions of blood and gore combine to create a playing impact which is high.

Perhaps there’s a part in the game that we don’t know about? Maybe you have to kill an infected Kangaroo, or something…. Tough luck, Australia.

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