John Carmack
id Software's John Carmack will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Game Developer’s Conference in March for his contributions to the art and science of games.

The Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes the career and achievements of developers who have made an impact on game development. Carmack has more than two decades of groundbreaking technical contributions under his belt with games such as Wolfenstien, Doom and Quake.

Previous Lifetime award winner, Will Wright will be presenting the award to Carmack at the ceremony on March 11. Sid Meier and Shigeru Miyamoto have also received the award in the past.

Meggan Scavio, the Event Director of GDC, commented on Carmack’s achievement, saying:

"It's no exaggeration to say that John Carmack and id Software have had a monumental influence on all modern 3D games, but especially the first-person shooter genre."

"John is one of the key figures in the history of video games, and we're delighted to be giving him the Lifetime Achievement award this year."

Congratulation, John Carmack and good luck for the future. Now then, where’s our award for “most kick-ass website”?

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