We’ll admit that sometimes things fly under our radar, and we knew nothing about Metal Gear Arcade, but we like the sounds of it. Not because we’re huge fans of the MGS series, but because we love our Arcade games; and we want to play it even more with the news of a headset that adds stereoscopic 3D effects and head tracking to the game.
The goggles are equip with the technology required to create proper stand-out-of-the-screen 3D, and elsewhere on the unit is a gizmo that lets the machine track your head movements, with which you can control the camera in the game.

MGA is basically Metal Gear Online redone for the arcade scene, but it’s playable on both LAN and online set-ups, which lets you connect with other cabinets miles away, along with voice communication.

We’d best start making plans to go to Skegness, again.

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