If you are currently enjoying an illegally torrented copy of either Forza 3 or Borderlands then Microsoft are onto you or to be more precise Xbox Live Director of Policy and Enforcement Stephen Toulouse is onto you

"You know, when you play a pre-release title on LIVE when I know you shouldn’t have it, it’s not hard for me to figure out,"
i got my eye on you
However if you have received a legal copy via a store selling it to you a head of time or arriving from and online store early and a currently playing it don’t worry, as he went on to say

"Don’t worry folks, anyone who bought a copy early is ok. In general, if you got a receipt, play away. These are illegit copies we’re hitting."

Now just how he can tell the difference we are not sure, maybe he’s going to come round to the house of every one seen playing games ahead of time online and ask for proof of purchase or maybe he has some sort of pirate radar either the message is clear, pirate games and Stephen Toulouse will give you a round house kick to the face.

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