Rare are just finishing the last touches on their re-release of the N64 classic, Perfect Dark which is expected to arrive on Xbox Live Arcade sometime in February.
Perfect Dark XBLA
But it sounds as if the developer has plans to re-master some of its other games.

"Perfect Dark will be arriving on Xbox Live Arcade in the next few months, polished up by 4J Studios with improved textures and framerate, Leaderboards and Achievements, and of course online multiplayer.”

"We know there are a lot of people looking forward to that. There's nothing to announce yet after Perfect Dark, but we've got over 25 years of IP to dip into so there's no shortage of possibilities."

We’ve said it once and we’ll say it again: re-make Killer Instinct you bloody fools! We’ve waited long enough for Fulgore, TJ Combo and Chief Thunder to bust out an awesome C-C-Combo Breaker!… Make it happen

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