Here’s something to piss off a few American 360 owners. Sony has announced a partnership with Netflix to bring streamed films and TV shows to the PS3.

The service, which expects to launch in America next month, will allow all Netflix members to stream their favourite films and TV shows straight to their PS3’s. The president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Jack Trenton said:

“The PlayStation 3 system has always been about more than just gaming, and it will soon be the only platform in the industry to offer consumers such a variety of convenient options for enjoying movies and TV shows.”

“Whether you want to watch content on Blu-ray disc and DVD, download it from the PlayStation Network’s video delivery service, or stream videos instantly from Netflix, the PS3 system is the only solution that offers it all.”
Netflix on PS3
Don’t worry, this doesn’t affect us British 360 and PS3 owners at all, but can imagine that they will be a lot of angry Americans… mainly in the Microsoft offices.

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