It looks like the inevitable has happened with Nintendo finally announcing that a price cut for the Wii will happen on October 2nd along with a new bundle.

The new bundle will include Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort and a Motion Plus adapter even though Nintendo, themselves, said that Wii Sports Resort would never be included with the console. Looks like they had a change of heart.

As for the price cut, Nintendo have not announced a specific price for their newest bundle other than saying:
"the trade of Wii is a confidential figure between Nintendo and its retail customers", but have confirmed that it will be cheaper than the current £199.99 price tag. Now, we know what you’re thinking: “£199.99? Wasn’t it £179.99 when it came out?” Well yes, it was £179.99, but due to the "unprecedented and sustained depreciation of the pound" Nintendo was forced to increase the price a few months ago.

A spokesman from Nintendo said:

"Our aim has always been to expand the gaming population and there are still many more people out there who have not yet experienced the fun of video games. This compelling offer will hopefully make Wii more accessible to everyone."

Whatever the price is, the addition of Wii Sports Resort and Motion Plus is a far more appealing offer than the original bundle. But what will the final price be? We bet it’ll be no less than £170.
Nintendo Wii
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