Hands up if you have an iPhone or some sort of other smart phone, hands up how many of you have games on that phone, and finally hands up all those that have Nintendo games on that phone yeah that’s right non of use and it would seem we never will, president of Nintendo Satoru Iwata has spoken about how he feels that having Nintendo made games appear on other platforms would be detrimental to the over all model of Nintendo.

“We think Nintendo is a company whose value is recognized by the way that we combine great software experiences with particular hardware capabilities that only we can offer”

“Therefore my feeling is that offering our IP on other devices would have an adverse impact on the overall value of our company and at the same time I think that it's not something that would add value to Nintendo”
Smart phone's & Nintendo never going to happen
Ok we can see where he is coming from and to some extend he has a point but how cool is it to be sat on a train of on your lunch break and play Street Fighter IV or Resident Evil and then be able to call your buddy or post you score to facebook or twitter.

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