Reports are surfacing claiming that Nintendo boss, Satoru Iwata was offered the chance to sign a deal for the technology that would later become Natal.

According to a top insider at Nintendo, an
Israeli called firm 3DV Systems showed an early demo of the technology to Iwata and other Nintendo bigwigs at the end of 2007. Although Iwata was impressed, he made the decision to pass on the offer because of concerns regarding gameplay latency and price issues.
Project Natal
A source at UK magazine, Computer and Video Games (CVG), said:

“Iwata-San only ever invests in something he can guarantee will work for a Nintendo audience."

“3DV showed off a camera that detected motion in 3D, and had voice recognition – but Iwata-San was unconvinced he could sell it at a Nintendo price point. He also had some worries around latency during gameplay."

“Honestly – I’ve heard Iwata describe the prototype he saw at length, and it’s definitely Natal. What we witnessed at E3 was smaller and the facial [reading] stuff had improved, but it’s the same technology."

“We remain unconvinced Natal will deliver on the more sophisticated elements of what Microsoft is promising at the price they’re aiming for.”

But will it turn out to be the right decision for Nintendo to drop Natal? We think so, because we don’t want another peripheral for our Wii.

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